Ladies (if we have any here

) and gentlemen, I have great news: I just managed to perform a small miracle at the post office. Landed there at noon (when it's less crowded), armed with a nice bouquet of flowers, and found the lady in charge with the international packets doing some paperwork, since there was no customer. Pushed the flowers, told her that I had to ask a favor, and explaned that I need her to look in the unprocessed packages arrived since yesterday. Turned out that two of the other 4 ladies assigned to this taks were on hollyday, so it was more like the unprocessed packages arrived since last friday

Well, to cut it short, after some 25 minutes of searching, first in the large pack of papers and then in the deposit, and with 4 customers already lining behind my back, the lady arrived back at the desk with my package

Now, don't expect that the quest was over: I went back to work, opened it, and suddenly realised that no one bothered to tell me what a dumb thing I said a few days earlier:
Looking forward @ receiving mine, hopefully in time for the planned Cyprus trip.
Already managed to scratch the stock lens while spearfishing in Bulgaria a week ago, but footages taken in the Black Sea(higher turbidity) with the stock lens were close to useless anyway.
I never realised that Greg's adapted included no lens, it somehow always looked to me like they were a part of the whole design. Guess I didn't read the topic so careful. So, with just hours from the flight, and with the packs still undone (lol) I started to frenetically search on the web for a supplier of spare lens here in Bucharest. Guess what, found one, and they had it on stock too. So right now I'm about to finally mount the adapter on the camera case.
In the end, many thanks to Greg who shipped it when he said he would (saturday). Just a day or two of delay and it would have arrived here right after I left for Cyprus.
P.S. Greg, a hint for your international shipments, coming from my recent experience: just a few days ago (june 16th) I received another package, that was mailed from the USA on June 2nd, using first class mail (letter). Weight was similar, value was the same (60$, I let you figure why

) tracking was exactly the same (just an input at origin) and it costed under 5$ to mail. Transit time was a bit better then small flat rate box/envelope. In case there's no catch that I'm missing, you could use this service in order to get a better deal to international customers.