Here's a question,
Has anyone used the GP 3D housing yet for a scuba dive or know if they make that housing waterproof? A dropzone near me recently said they ordered some of the 3D housings(which is just 2 HD GP's side by side with a cable syncing them) but before that I had never even heard of it. I tried to find the housing listed on but they don't list that housing on their products page.
Also, what is the general consensus in the dive community about # of dives in relation to when you can start using a camera like a GP(I have one for skydiving). I know in skydiving it is recommended to have at least 200 skydives before you fly video but was wondering if there was anything like that in scuba? Thanks
I figure if you can effectively control your buoyancy, able to clear your reg and mask with the camera then you are good to go. Diving with a camera is very different than jumping with a camera. I say this as both a scuba and skydiving instructor. Which ever you do, be safe. BTW, I use the GPHD in both "jobs."