GoPro Black 3 with lights or red filter?

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Hi all!

I'm thinking about buying a GoPro Hero 3 Black with either two i-Torch Pro 4 lights (each 1300 lumen) or a red filter.

1. Do I need lights for filming in max 20m water in Egypt? Is a red filter enough?

2. If a red filter is not enough, should I go with two lights or is one enough?

Thanks for your help!
no experience with lights, but 60 foot dives in coz on partly cloudy days were fine with just a filter
might do lights someday, but right now I am thrilled with the results shooting 2.7k protune (lower light is improved) and white balance camraw
You will be glad you got a red filter. Improves the color.
People always bring up lights vs filter argument. The important factor that is being overlooked is that effectiveness of lights stops working after about 1-1.5 meters (3ft-12ft) underwater. After that water column dissolves any advantages of the light. Exception is if you have a night dive. Lights are good for close shots. Filter is good for all shots. Vast majority of people dives without camera lights. Those that do, typically gain benefits in close shots but you always have to be conscious of the fact that if you use lights you need to take the filter off... and that is why every time I see those rigs, divers spend 50% of the dive messing with equipment rather than enjoying the dive.
I have been working in Egypt as instructor and guide. All the video operators on the boat do not have lights they only use white balance. Generally there is plenty of light for your shots and 20 meters is within the working range of a filter
However there are also wrecks some with penetration and you will need a light inside.

What yarik83 says is correct with regards to the limited use of lights, in general you have two lights on flexible arms and those are useful for macro and close up shots between 0 and 1 meters depending on the length of your arms. With 12 segments locline you can effectively illuminate from 0 to 3 feet before backscatter starts being a problem with a pair of normal 60 degrees lights.
However the gopro does not do macro and focuses well around 20-30 cm which means your lights are only working for two feet between 1 foot and 3 feet all the rest is not affected.
So unless you are going to do wreck penetration or night dives there is not a lot of return from a pair of lights for general reef dives
Interceptor, you explained it very we'll for me. I was shopping for lights but now I will save some $ and go with the filter alone. Thanks.
I use BOTH! The red filter is needed for the wide angle day shooting. Are you planning on leaving the GoPro onboard on the night dives? If not, you will need lights! The GoPro gets great night video with proper lighting.
Bang for buck, a filter will provide much better instant results than lights - I was really pleased with the difference of using a filter.

Just be careful with the direction of the sun as you might end up with footage where it throws off the WB and casts a pinky tint to your shots.

The only thing to consider thou is that with the red filter you are 'filtering' off the Green and Blue channels (to level them with the lack of Red) so the sensor is increasing the gain to compensate and in turn increasing the noise and with that I found my videos to contain lots more noise.

Lights - great for inside wrecks :)
Red filter will be fine, I can happily post my GoPro footage of an 18 meter dive in the Maldives 2 weeks ago with only a red filter if you want. Absolutely amazing quality. Don't even think of not using the filter, the difference in colour is substantial.

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