Ahhh. Then why did you call me and relay your disappointment in me not going and why did you guys call me on my cell phone when you guys were out on at the site finding nada and I was taking pictures of the Portland Quarry (which has 10-30' vis by the way).
And wasn't an email sent to me aking me to come a long in the first place.
Lets see. $15 to park at Fort Getty. $15 gas. $10 for a few pieces of lettuce at the Marina Restaurant. 2 hrs drive. That all adds up. Also, I always tip the captain for he goes thru a lot of work and expense himself. But diving in soupy water is not my preference as of late Scubagoose.
I'm starting to enjoy the quarry dives in comparison to Narr. Bay waters at this time of the year.
Signed ScubaSores oops I mean ScubaSarus
the only reply i have since u want to go on attack is i said ha ha ha at the end. i thought u would take it as a joke but i guess not.... as far as u tipping the captian i don't think so since it's hard enough for u to pull out the lousy $10.00 that the captian charges for any trip we take with him.... thats why u wrote about the charges for parking and the bed of lettuce. thats right i called u cheap!!!! and for u at the quarry u took pics form land did not even dive so sombody must of told u that the vis was that good.... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha scubasarus ooops i mean scubasores