good experiences with lds

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cumming ga.
we have alot of threads with bad experiences at lds,i would like to hear about the great ones. lets hear about great service,good attitudes,above average training and good prices ect.
Here's one:

My GF was dead set on a specific BCD. The LDS ordered it. A week later, he called us and said is was backordered, and the rep did not know when they would be shipping them out.

She got the BCD about 3 months later.

What makes this really cool, is that she got a free rental BCD from the time he gave us that call to the time where the BCD actually got to the shop...

was really looking for better exps. than that,but aleast they gave her a rental free,just got my new bc in 4 days online.
Well, he could've gotten her another model (actually offered a more expensive model for same price) but she declined, and I confirmed that this model was not available (actually called the sales rep). In reality, he could haver told her to sit tight and wait if she really wanted that model - she could not have gotten it anywhere else, including online (I obviously researche the usual suspects).
was really looking for better exps. than that,but aleast they gave her a rental free,just got my new bc in 4 days online.
So the guy gives you an example but it's not good enough, hmmm what were you expecting?
I was going to offer a reply but may not meet the standard.
How about this: my OW instructor loaned me 2 regs for a couple of weeks while I practiced with doubles and did my deco checkout dives. No charge. :)
sounds like a good one,lets name the good lds and give them reconition they deserve,that was my intent for this thread.
sounds like a good one,lets name the good lds and give them reconition they deserve,that was my intent for this thread.

The Dive Shop, Memphis and my instructor, Keith Rochelle, and our TDI instructor, Chuck Baker who lent his regs to my buddy. Kudos to you guys!

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