Hey there!
Glad to hear you had a great day of diving. Not hard when you go out with Gary!
Now for my question.... Realizing there are many men named Bob that dive I'm wondering if your buddy is one of my best friends of near 25 years. Was your buddy Bob about 6'6", white hair and a hearty laugh? He'd be using a dedicated bottle of Argon to inflate his drysuit.
(who tried multiple time to upload a file before giving up with a scream!)
Yup that is the same Bob. Great dive buddy, at least for my style of diving - nice guy as well.
Here are some images from the trip. I had a magnified viewfinder added to my Subal housing so I did not get any UW images. It should be back tomorrow - 1 week from tomorrow I am Galapagos bound!
Two of our small group enjoying the weather.

Captain Gary getting ready to tie in a mooring.

DM Linda manned the helm while we waited for Gary to surface.

Just a beautiful day on the water - nothing more can be said.