T. Bix
I took a personal day on Friday....So I plan to be at Gilboa sometime Friday afternoon.
I haven't been to the Red Pig...but it sounds like a great place to be this Friday. Count me in too.
I tried to update the list...but I honestly am not sure how accurate it is!?!?
T. Bix: Ribs chicago style (did I read he is not coming now???)
Yes you heard right .... Sorry folks I (and my ribs) gotta work this weekend.
Barracuda2: Toledo Polish Kielbasa
Diverbrian: Quarry Cake (yummmm)
Amordon: NO STEAKS---Couldn't fool the first-timer.
Jchoby: Frickers Chunks
leko916: Hot spiced (spiked?) Apple Cider
Randy: Not sure what, but I always bring something interesting.
BoneCrusher: Generator and fuel. Still trying to decide on what to bring for food...
Jenny: cold italian pasta salad, pepperjack cheese and crackers, and since the SIR S'mores have been hijacked to a warmer climate I can bring Oreo Balls.
Ohhh, and Dr McGillicuddy for around the campfire.
Diverpaula & Mrsmitty13: Joined the bailing on us group!
Mitten Diver: BAILED!
I guess that puts me down here in the "Bailed on us" group.