Glovers Atoll/Reef

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Ok, I'm gonna post a new thread. In my Tobacco Caye post below I'm told Glovers reef has some great diving - better then TC's?? Sooooo......who's been diving there? Stayed there? Any reports/opinions as to how the diving, dive op, accommodations is? It looks very similar to TC, but if the diving is much better there, I'd opt to go there. It also seems to be backpacker oriented, which appeals to me as well.

Thanks for any tips!
We boated past Tobacco Caye on our way to Glovers in 2003 - it didn't look much like where we stayed - lots of lodging options in not very much space. Other's may be able to compare better but from what I've heard the atolls are tough to beat. NE Caye where Glover's Atoll Resort is ( ) is a 9 acre island with small dive shop building and a smattering of rustic cabins. It's VERY rustic (no elec or running water) and definitely NOT a resort, but the snorkeling and diving is incredible and we felt we'd found paradise out there.

There are other lodging options on other islands out there with more amenities but they're a lot more expensive so not in our price range.

Let me know if I can answer more specific questions. Happy trails!
Glover's is the only atholl I haven't dived yet. But Lighthouse and Turneffe offer more, in my opinion, to see as far as walls and sealife than Ambergris or the other barrier reef dive sites. And the locals tell me Glover's is the best of the atholls. Hope this helps.
Its been several years now, but we stayed out on Glovers with SlickRock

I've been diving in a lot of places (not yet the pacific, so you have that) but Glovers is spectacular. We dove three dives a day for two weeks, never saw another diver on dives. The Manta Resort is also there, but they were always someplace else. In any event the sealife and coral were absolutely pristine and the water was 100+ every day. If you have the opportunity to do it (for a day, a week or a lifetime), you can't go wrong. Its hard to get to, but, that's the point isn't it?

Happy to answer questions if you like.

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