The total run time is not very sensitive to GF lo. For an air dive to 45m for 25 minutes the difference between 35/75, 50/75 and 75/75 is about 8 minutes total from an 80 minute run time. That is a lot less than the difference between a 3m and 6m last stop.I set the GF hi at 75 for conservatism on my NDL display and adjusted the default GF lo of 35 up to 50 because of the 'new fashion' of shallower stops. This does not matter much at the moment because it is very unlikely that I enter accidental deco, in which case the extra stop would be minute, but I'll get into some planned deco diving next year and would like to 'set and forget' values that make sense as per the current state of knowledge. Reading up on the subject, as well as googling for various forum discussions, I feel that 50/75 is a safe and sound setting.
While the profile is an important factor there are other factors that should be understood. Computers and so these algorithms get a lot of attention and so those other things might be getting less attention than they deserve.