Really interesting information. Thanks. Never really thought about it. I'll be reading some more. Congtratulations on the family not keeping your daughter wrapped in cotton wool. Be really interesting to hear from her about the, dive shop scewed up vacation. Perhaps you could spend your refund money on pertinent literature and give it to the one who most needs the information. I think I once read somewhere, "number of dives does not a person make."
the dive shop did NOT screw up the vacation.The original doctor who wrote up the release did by writing limitations on the medical..All he/she should have done is "Individual is fit to dive"...I would not have accepted this person with a medical that had any type of limitation on it.I have seen releases with remarks like: "fit to dive only in warm water"-- "fit to dive to 30" ---"fit to dive if no allergies present"..ALL turned down..