German media company wants to use my footage!

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San Francisco, California, United States
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100 - 199
So I just got an email from a German media production company associated with ZDF, a German public broadcaster, asking for permission to use footage from my video "Cormorant Encounter" for a science and adventure series! They are asking for conditions for use. Anyone have experience with this? What do I ask for? To be credited?

<font color="#141823"><span style="font-family: Helvetica">[video=vimeo;77274698][/video]

It's might be the same that production I dealt with. It's a series called Science ou fiction which airs in Canada. I let them use it. They'll be crediting me. The 2 episodes with my footage air this month and next.

Edit: The production company that contacted me is called Point de mire - Montreal
Just tell 'em you want all your money up front.......:)
Personally... I think you should check you local freelance journalist organisation (I am sure it exist...) and check their rates.

You should charge a resonable price for your footage. People accepting only "credit" for letting media companies using their footage for comercial purposes more often than not ruin the market for other frelance journalists, videographers and photographers.

If the video is good enough, (and rare enough...) they should also pay for it.

In Norway... goin rate for a finished feature "film" of about 1min 30 seconds is around $1500, and slightly north of $2000 for up to 2 min 30seconds.

Check your local organization.

Oh.. and make sure you specify that they get to use your film for the mentioned production only, and that if used as archived footage, each subsequent use will need to be agreed upon.
Personally... I think you should check you local freelance journalist organisation (I am sure it exist...) and check their rates.

You should charge a resonable price for your footage. People accepting only "credit" for letting media companies using their footage for comercial purposes more often than not ruin the market for other frelance journalists, videographers and photographers.

If the video is good enough, (and rare enough...) they should also pay for it.

In Norway... goin rate for a finished feature "film" of about 1min 30 seconds is around $1500, and slightly north of $2000 for up to 2 min 30seconds.

Check your local organization.

Oh.. and make sure you specify that they get to use your film for the mentioned production only, and that if used as archived footage, each subsequent use will need to be agreed upon.

I didn't really think much about it, especially since I don't make my videos for anything other than personal enjoyment really. I definitely didn't ask for any of the above. I will have to consider it next time. I don't believe they were using my whole video, just snippets of it. I will have to wait and watch to see.

---------- Post added June 4th, 2014 at 04:10 PM ----------

This is for a German show called Terra Xtreme. What did you tell them about conditions of use?
Nothing really. They told me they would feature some of the footage in an episode and put my name in the credits. I said fine.
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