Genesis Octo Repair on Ambergris?

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Just made it into Ambergris today and my Genesis Octo will need a new piece (not sure what it is called but I can elaborate later if necessary).

Can anyone recommend a shop on the island that can take a look at the Octo or that may have a decent selection of replacement parts?

Any immediate help would be greatly appreciated.


Yes, please elaborate. Have you lost a piece or has one clearly broken?

The only person on AC who MIGHT be able to help is Rudy at Island Divers, or at his retail shop Island Divers Supplies. But probably he will only be able to improvise, as I don't think he's a dealer or technician for Genesis. I was a dealer for them, but not a technician and had no spares.

There is someone on the mainland who might be able to help, but I'd need to know exactly what was needed - what part for what model reg. Give me a call on (local) 620-1080. Where are you staying and until when?
Peter, thanks for your reply.

I have posted a link to a picture of the octopus below, its the Genesis GS 040

Please check out the picture on leisure pro to understand the references below. Scubaboard will not let me post URLs until I have 5 other posts on the forum.

Looking at the picture, the piece that is broken is the circular piece to the right of the purge button (bottom of the picture).

To elaborate, it is the piece DIRECTLY opposite of the air line coming in on the left of the reg (again, from the perspective of the picture).

There are three plastic clips that internally hold this piece in place. The 3 plastic clips have snapped such that this piece can be removed by hand from the reg.

Under pressure I'm assuming the piece would just dislodge itself. Either way, its not in proper condition to be used.

Someone else had recommended Island Divers Supply to us today so I will go chat with them tomorrow afternoon.

Please let me know if anything else comes to you.

Also, do you know what the piece is even called? Thanks.
As far as I can tell the piece that's missing is just a cover over an adjustment screw. It's annoying losing it but it has no operational effect. On some second stages there's an adjustment knob there but on others, like yours, it's just a cover. Bring it in, but if I'm right the octo is fine to use. We certainly won't have a spare part for it, and I think you'll have to go back to the manufacturer, or at least a Genesis repair station, to get it. Was it knocked?
Unfortunately it was me not knowing any better. I pried the piece apart thinking that I would be able to move the hose to the other side of the reg.

The piece itself definitely needs the clips to stay in place. On exhale the piece would easily dislodge.

Which dive shop is yours? I would like to pick up a couple of octo holders to clip onto some BC's.
As you can see from my signature I'm not running a dive shop any more. Go into Island Divers and ask for Rudy. He keeps octo holders in the retail shop.

I believe (though I haven't been able to confirm) that "Junior" at Ecologic is a Genesis technician, but I'm quite sure that the only spares he'll have (if any) will be service kits. He won't have any body parts. Actually, thinking about it I did do the Genesis technician course a few years ago but I've never worked on one since.

I don't really understand your last comment. If as I believe it's just a blanking plug its absence shouldn't have any effect on the operation of the octo. Have you tried it? - I should.

It's always best to ask advice before trying to modify a second stage - or indeed any other scuba gear. On some the hose can be switched to the other side easily, on others it's possible but a major dismantling and reassembly/readjustment job requiring special equipment and knowledge of how to use it, and on most it's not possible at all. You can't tell by an uninformed inspection - for example, most Scubapro second stages (for which I am a technician) cannot be reversed, though they look much the same as the few which can be. I don't know whether that particular second stage can be reversed.

I don't know who you're diving with, but the best times to see Rudy are early in the morning (8-8:30am), at lunch time (12:30-2pm), or later on (c. 4:30-5pm). I know he's teaching a course tomorrow, so outside those times will be difficult. Both the dive shop and his retail shop are manned all day though.
Thanks for all your help.

I actually consulted with Junior at Ecologic right after I threw together this post but he said the part won't be available on the island.

As far as asking for advice before taking a crack at something - well, thats just not me.

Thanks again. I'm not sure if you're on Ambergris anymore but we FINALLY have some sunshine this afternoon.

Time for a couple of out door beers before the chicken drop tonight.

Yes, I'm on the island. Since this thread started I've been to both Ecologic and Island Divers, though I haven't got wet (in the sea!) for a week or two.

So is that who you're diving with - Ecologic?
Hey Peter,

Sorry for the late response but since we came back from our trip things have been busy busy busy.

We did all of our diving with Ecologic and could not have had a better time. Great bunch of guys but we were a little disappointed that they couldn't make the sun shine everyday.

Haha, maybe next time.

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