G'day. Jus lerned me self ow ta put pitchers. Yippee.

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I only see one first stage nestled in a bunch of second stages.
Let's see, 4 - 108's, 6 - 109's (not counting the 3 without guts and covers).

One of the 108's has a newer diaphram (blue instead of black).

Face straps for 1 - 108 and all but 1 - 109.

There's the lone 108 with the orange plastic.

There's a 2nd 1st stage on the bucket thingy in the upper left.

Thus, I'm left with a wild guess that maybe you've converted one of the 109's to a BA, but I don't know how I'd tell from here.
G'day thanks everyone.

You had me going fishpie. I had to go back to my wet area workshop AKA laundry to check.
Lucky it's been raining in Sunny Brisbane.

Yeah Paladin954 that nestling business is very bad for hoses so I've untied it and packed the nestler and most of the bunch away.

Great effort Texfrazer and the first on the buckety thing has also gone so I could get some washing power out to put the washing machine in.

Well I'm a "lefty" or a southpaw and a bit ambidextrous aquaregia but there aint nothin as exotic as that in there.

I feel like a bit of a ghoul having all those, but half are mine, half came from markets, half came from ebay for the bits at the other end, and half if when I sort them out I'm going to get rid of. I thought I had half as many but each time I set them up I remembered another.

So the rather boring or possibly disappointing conclusion to this non saga who's idea stemmed from another thread is that a few years ago I looked at a sad looking 109 with a flat face, and some other stuff, and then in the phone book, drew a circle and jumped in the car in search of chromers.

Well I got, Yes, No, maybe, No worries, two months, I can't guarrantee the numbers. You know, the ones on the body, he's going to polish them off or fill them, if they do the stripping, I do the panel beating, deburring and polishing and they do the chroming.

Well in my route circle I also included a couple of scuba manufacturers I get bits and pieces from, and broke the find it myself syndrome and asked them, and they both use the same guy and the newer of the two manufacturers originally got the info from the older manufacturer.

Anyway this guy is "The Guy" and charges me cheap because of the other guys, and that I'm happy to wait until I have a bunch of stuff and he also has a similar bunch of stuff to put in the bath together, with someone elses order type stuff, and I'm just a nice guy..

This "Guy" looking at his electrical setup must have setup in the sixties and strips cars and does bumpers and the grouse end of the tailfin light setup thing and cool grilles and all my little bits and pieces but not all in the same bath at the same time.

I had some stripping things sitting there for a couple of years as you do, and had a friend pick them up recently. That sort of thing happens in those places and they made the usual, they thought I was dead jokes but as you know I'm not dead, just dhead.

The faceplate in the photo was before the work, what I consider flat although it was nothing like flat, the dents and dings and especially the rim around the purge was a nightmare never to be repeated.

The next project however when I get back to the "Guy" will be a black goombah.

My guy can't be the only "GUY."
I can't type.
OOPS. I forgot.


Sir "Walter" The Chromed. With his bib on backwards.

And that's a reflection of me and the backyard. Handsome Hey?
No wonder I can't win anything on ebay!
Seriously knowone, please describe how you made the diaphragm. I need two; one being for a piece of kit from the very dawn of two stage diving in Australia.
Diaphragm? What diaphragm. Have I been BSing again.

You live in the "other" Lucky Country EricQ, half of those are fasal not cheap.
Ridiculous for one person.

Do you have a Porpoise? Put some pitchers o watcha got.
Send me your phone number in relation to diaphragms.

What's a piece of kit? Are you a Pom.

I feel much maligned halocline when all's I wanna do is"blend" in.

Cheers. Emile.

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