We're using the Kirby Morgan as well with just some slight differences in the connections.
Coming in we've got the main and pony both with the check valve, however the pony has a quick-disconnect so it can be separated and given away or replaced with a fresh one if your stuck.
On the out-port side we're just goign the the mask. Our dry-suit connection is still off of the main regulator.
The Octo - comes straight off the regulator from the pony bottle, so if we have to give the pony, we can give them the octo and use the quick disconnect from the block, and pop the pins from the pack and leave it behind.
Coming in we've got the main and pony both with the check valve, however the pony has a quick-disconnect so it can be separated and given away or replaced with a fresh one if your stuck.
On the out-port side we're just goign the the mask. Our dry-suit connection is still off of the main regulator.
The Octo - comes straight off the regulator from the pony bottle, so if we have to give the pony, we can give them the octo and use the quick disconnect from the block, and pop the pins from the pack and leave it behind.