TLDR: I recommend turning off the touch screen
I just finished a dive trip in Belize and did have something happen with one of the computers.
My partner and I did a dive to 100ft. I went to 99 ft and my partner went to 105ft. Her computer said she busted her NDL and gave her an hour of deco. Some of our group was deeper than her so I was really scratching my head. I concluded at the time that it must be a minute of deco and we would just make sure to do that.
We continued the dive and at the end ascended to 10 ft where we realized it had said 57 minutes of deco. I signaled the dive master and was basically ignored (which was an issue I don’t want to get into here). We did a long safety stop for 10-15 minutes at 10 ft and then I signaled that I would surface.
I surfaced and explained the situation and was told that her computer must be malfunctioning and to tell her to ascend.
As a newer diver with no notion as to how long a deco stop should be or anything this was pretty scary but we really didn’t have any options at the time.
She surfaced and all was ok but it was very uncomfortable. It definitely put a damper on the dive trip and was the straw that broke the camel’s back for my partner.
Afterwards I reviewed our dive computers. Our nitrogen loading on all previous dives seemed to match pretty closely (within 10 percent). Her depth and time seemed accurate (100-105 ft for 90 seconds). The only thing that stood out to me was that her conservatism after her computer locked her out was set to custom.
My best guess as to what happened was that at the surface the touch screen went on the fritz and changed her conservatism settings. After this I have turned off the touch screen on both of our computers.