diver12345:I thought about it. In fact the false information that was being spilt forth inspired me to sign up and post a reply. After more than a year of reading the forums. I have a great dislike for people that spout information that they can not back up by references. This is a sport were false info can kill.What they were saying was stated as a fact, not as a possible solution. Also a simple search on their part about Co2 build up or Ox tox on the DAN website would have given them a clue that those sysmptoms didnot pertain to their diagnoses.
... sure, but don't you want your opinion to be heard? If you take that tone, with noone here knowing you, your experience or your level of knowledge, you come of as a .... well as someone who's perhaps best ignored.
My $0.02.
Now back to the issue at hand.