Here also is the *actual* declaration itself, from the Charles Darwin Foundation website:
The Government takes disciplinary measures in regard to Baltra incident and declares the Galapagos Islands “at risk.”
"Galapagos is the responsibility of the people of Galapagos"
The President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has signed a decree in which he declared the conservation and environmental management of the Galapagos ecosystem “at risk and a national priority”. He also announced that the government has sent a sergeant to prison for nine days and removed the commanders of the Baltra air base and the Puerto Ayora harbormaster, besides opening administrative proceedings concerning the director of the Galapagos National Park, with respect to the incident on Baltra Island on March 16.
The President said that “responsibilities will continue to be determined” and decried the “lack of institutionalization” and the anarchy that prevail in the archipelago. This has led the government to declare Galapagos at risk and to put into effect measures “to overcome the grave institutional, environmental and social crisis that the islands are currently going through.”
President Correa stated that the government, with no need for prompting from international organizations, has decided to act and is “uncovering a latent problem that is the consequence of years of disregard and neglect by previous governments and that it is now high time to face with responsibility, earnestness and courage.”
The President pointed out that even more serious than the incidents in Baltra themselves are the “overlapping of duties, attempts to ride roughshod over others, and politicking that prevail in Galapagos,” to which are added “institutions with functions that are not heeded or are poorly defined,” resulting in the “need to put the institutions in the islands in order.”
Dismissals: President Correa explained that a commission had investigated the events on Baltra and established responsibilities, which has led to the relieving of the current and previous air base commanders of their posts for “allowing unauthorized tourist activities.”
Furthermore, the harbormaster of Puerto Ayora has been dismissed “for not providing immediate assistance to the injured park ranger,” and the Ecuadorian Air Force sergeant who assaulted a park ranger was sent to prison for nine days, thus preventing any future promotions.
Similarly, administrative proceedings are to be held concerning the National Park director "because she failed to observe several procedures when she set off without the harbormaster’s permission and without naval escort,” as required by agreements signed by the institutions involved.
Decree signed by the President of the Republic:
The Constitution of the Republic, in Articles 86 and 23 subsection 6, stipulates that the State protects and guarantees the right of the populace to live in a sound and ecologically balanced environment that ensures sustainable development;
And, accordingly, Article 239 of the Constitution provides that the Province of Galapagos is subject to a special set of rules and regulations for its conservation, protection, and management;
And in keeping with the provisions of the Special Law for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Province of Galapagos, it is the duty of the State of Ecuador to safeguard the conservation of the National Resources of both marine and terrestrial areas, as well as the development of the adjacent human settlements, and to adopt legal measures aimed at promoting a compatible relationship with the inhabitants located in the Province of Galapagos;
And pursuant to the provisions of Article 239 of the Constitution of Ecuador, the Governor of the Province of Galapagos presides over the Council of the National Institute of Galapagos –INGALA– the sole planning and decision-making body whose resolutions are mandatory under the Special Management Law for the province;
And Articles 11,*12 and 15 of the Special Law for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Province of Galapagos (LOREG) stipulate that the National Resources of Protected Areas in the Province of Galapagos will be administered and managed by the Ministry of the Environment through the Galapagos National Park Service;
And the ecological, economic, and social viability of the various sustainable development policies for the Province of Galapagos are in imminent danger and it is necessary to define the most appropriate strategy to control bio-invasion;
And it is necessary to take measures and implement actions to prevent the deterioration of the habitat and ecological impact on the delicate balance of species coexisting in the Galapagos National Park and the Galapagos Marine Reserve;
And it is necessary to organize the intervention of the Ecuadorian State through organizations involved in actions associated with policies, strategies and projects in the Province of Galapagos; therefore,
By virtue of the powers vested in him by law,
He decrees:
Article 1.- The conservation and environmental management of the ecosystem of the Archipelago of Galapagos is declared at risk and a national priority.
Article 2.- The Governor of the Province of Galapagos, as President of the National Institute of Galapagos (INGALA) is ordered to call an urgent meeting of the INGALA Council, within 15 days,*to address and formulate policies on the following agenda:
1.Determination of the current state of conservation, development, and well-being of the archipelago and its marine reserve.
2.*Determination of the effectiveness of the total control of introduced species
3.*Analysis of the possible temporary suspension of new tourism licenses and air-transport operation permits.
4.* Analysis of the possible temporary suspension of residence permits.
5.* Prioritization of the enforcement of provisions set forth in Articles 4 and 6 of the LOREG.
6.* Coordination of the compliance with the jurisdictions and fulfillment of the responsibilities of each of the institutions carrying out their activities in the Province of Galapagos.
7.* Arrangement of a population census to be performed in the Archipelago, and return to the continent of those inhabitants found to be illegally on the islands.
Article 3.- The Ecuadorian Agricultural Health Service (SESA) and the Galapagos Inspection and Quarantine Service (SICGAL) are ordered to submit to the INGALA Council, with due urgency, a report on the control of invasive species in the Province of Galapagos and on all other procedures and actions implemented by these agencies. In addition, they must submit, in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment, a proposal for the eradication of the major introduced species, along with the financial and technical requirements for doing so.
Article 4.- Through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, provision is to be made for the allocation of whatever economic resources may be necessary to implement this Decree and the resolutions that may be adopted by the INGALA Council, the Ministry of the Environment, SESA,* SICGAL and the Ministry for the Coordination of Internal and External Security with respect to the current situation in the Province of Galapagos.
General Provision.-* The Governor of the Province of Galapagos, who presides at INGALA Council sessions, will have the deciding vote should there be no majority in the decisions taken by this body.
Final Provision.- The Ministers of Economy and Finance, Agriculture and Livestock, Environment, Tourism, and Internal and External Security Coordination are responsible for carrying out this decree, which will go into effect as of this date, without detriment to its publication in the Official Gazette.
Issued at the Government Palace in Quito on Tuesday, April 10, 2007.
Rafael Correa Delgado
Constitutional President of the Republic
Ricardo Patiño Aroca
Minister of Economy and Finance
Carlos Vallejo López
Minister of Agriculture and Livestock
Anita Albán Mora
Minister of the Environment
Fernando Bustamante
Minister for the Coordination of Internal and External Security
N.b This translation is not verbatim but reflects with accuracy the content."