Gag Reflex

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After 125 dives I find I have develped the same trouble when I am in the water for a good length of time. I tried different mouth pieces, taking the regulator out and getting a little water in my mouth (this wouldn't work to well in salt water). I bought a product called Oasis; it's a moisturizing mouth spray for dry mouth. I has stopped the gaging for me. I leave it on the pool deck in case I need it.

Uncertified, inexperienced. unsupervised(?) diver underwater for 27 minutes. Hmmm.

How much air did you have left in your tank when you surfaced? If you were
low, it could have been the harder breathing that triggered the gag reflex.

You might want to wait until you've actually started class before heading underwater
on your own. Not an order, just a friendly suggestion. :D

Have to agree with my fellow "Ohio-an".
I wouldn't trim your mouth piece yet. I would think after 25 minutes underwater you should not of had any sort of anxiety attack. I agree with everyone else, a dry throat and possibly thick post nasal drip. If you have any air left in your tank, sit on the couch and breathe and see what happens. Can't hurt your self doing that. On my last dive trip the DM took 1 large grape, put it in a baggie and took it on the dive. When his mouth got dry he chewed up the grape. I tried it myself and it worked, I was even able to spit out the seed and skin.
While you work on a better solution, you might try spraying your throat with an OTC med that include benzocaine - and don't dive deep until you have a very control on this.
I almost always take a sip when I am diving for my soare throat, sweet or salt water.
You don't have to drink a lot to feel better, just half a sip from the side of your mouthpiece, keep it in the mouth a bit to dilute it in saliva (may seem disgusting for some?) and swallow, all natural!
Today, well about 10 minutes ago, I did another 45 minutes in the shallow end (3ft) of my pool, this time constantly kicking with my fins for the entire time.

I started out at an indicated 2800psi and ended with at 1200psi

I cut the inner flanges of the inside of the mouthpiece. Without the foreign object of the regulator touching my tongue and inside of my palatte, I did not gag at all for the entire duration.

So maybe, wearing that dry mouthpeice, while sat on the crouch watching F1 and motorcycle racing, is starting to de-sensitize my gag reflex.

I'm still going to check out some of the other suggestions, thanks.
Jan, the grape idea is pretty cool. I wonder if there's a way to take a sip of water while diving?

Self Contained Underwater Drinking Apparatus... SCUDA
I bought one a few years back but found it to be just a little cumbersome. Plus I went to breathing a long hose. Now I just let a little water in and swish to get rid of Cotton mouth. I am a gagger too so that makes me a MOF (in the Techie wantabee position of coarse.)
Last weekend, I completed my OW Cert. I didn't experience the gag problem either in the pool sessions, at the lake or on the ocean drift dives.

I did have one coughing fit, while at 50fsw, but just hacked my way through the second stage, while gripping it with my teeth.

So one might say I'm a happy camper.
Congratulations, Chris...

A few divers I know use the SeaCure mouthpiece, which tends to be a bit longer then others. One or two cut back the ends, in order to keep from getting that gag reflex, and it seems to work for them...

Perhaps you might try that with the Atomic... (although, I have a B2 myself, and find it to be comparatively short).

EDIT: I see someone mentioned this above (SeaCure, and trimming)... that's what I get for not reading every post...

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