Fusion tech velcro sticks to everything - suggestions?

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Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
# of dives
200 - 499
The velcro on the wrists of my fusion tech skin has the annoying habit of sticking to the opposite-side velcro on my drysuit pockets, and any other velcro I want to manipulate while diving.

The velcro on the wrists doesn't really _need_ to be there. I mean, its the inner side that's serving a function, the outer side velcro is just sitting there...

Has anyone done anything to make the velcro less annoying?
You could buy some 1" velcro and attach the hook side to the outside of the wrists on the Fusion. Not an optimal solution, but it might at least minimize the snagging.

Yes, but that seems like a really ugly solution. Did anyone encounter this problem and try to solve it?

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