From DC, living in Korea

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Pusan, South Korea
Greetings from Korea!

Just found the site and really like the look of what I'm finding! Lots and lots of posts has got to be a good thing. Keep up the good work!

Are you stationed there? Camp Casey? DMZ?

Welcome to ScubaBoard :D
Lil' Irish Temper:
Are you stationed there? Camp Casey? DMZ?

Thanks for your replies! I am living and working in Pusan. I have been teaching at a university for the past 7 years.

Welcome to this side of the world> I'm in Okinawa from baltimore. I will be in korea next year for a few days. You have to let me know about the diving there.
Hi Rick, and Welcome to :wavey:

Glad you found us, but do not be impressed by a lot of posting. I have a lot, but - it's a long story.

But do enjoy yourself on the forums, get involved if you'd like to, post, etc. It's all th same price - still free! :)

don :cowboy:
Ahn ya hows ya motor pool??

They still say that?? I doubt it. Welcome to the board.

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