Friday morning dive - Crescent Beach, Laguna

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Would but i have to work....... How ever i do have the 5, 6, and 7th off
Thanks Rex & Phil, That had to be one of my top 3 dives in Laguna ever and my longest yet underwater in the cool 54*f water. I wish shore diving was always that easy with 15-25' viz! See you on the G.E. on the 17th.
Nice dive today - 87 minutes in 55F water, a little cold at the end but lots of fun.
Thanks Dave & Phil, Bryan where were you?
A few pics.







and Phil
Nice Photos. I really need to get in the water.
Hey guys, looks like you had a great dive. Sorry about the no show, but I had some family issues to deal with the night before, and I couldn't make it. I would have called, but here its a long story. I do apologize, but I'm glad you all had a great dive.

Nice dive today - 87 minutes in 55F water, a little cold at the end but lots of fun.
Thanks Dave & Phil, Bryan where were you?
A few pics.
Hey guys, looks like you had a great dive. Sorry about the no show, but I had some family issues to deal with the night before, and I couldn't make it. I would have called, but here its a long story. I do apologize, but I'm glad you all had a great dive.

No big deal, hope to see you on future dives.

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