Friday morning dive - Crescent Beach, Laguna

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Reaction score
LA - North Hollywood
# of dives
500 - 999
Bryan and I are headed to Crescent Beach in Laguna this coming Friday morning. We plan to meet at 7:30AM and be in the water for the first dive at 8AM. I'll be bringing two tanks and hope to make a second dive also around 10 or 10:30.

Come join us!
Let's plan on meeting at the northern stairs (that's the stairs that do not lead to the restrooms), ready to get in the water at 8AM.
Do you mind if I join you two? My regular buddy is out of town and I could use a dive. It's been a while since I dove Crescent. I probably will be up for one dive instead of two. Let me know.

Do you mind if I join you two? My regular buddy is out of town and I could use a dive. It's been a while since I dove Crescent. I probably will be up for one dive instead of two. Let me know.



Definately come join us. As previously posted meet around 7:30, in the water around 8AM, meet at northern stairs.

Others welcome too. Crescent is a nice dive, tons of Garibaldi, occasional octopus, maybe an eel, etc.
Rex, Bryan, & Phil,

Looks like a 75% chance for me to do one dive.... never have dove Crescent and would love to.
I'll let ya'll know tomorrow. Thanks,
Rex, Bryan, & Phil,

Looks like a 75% chance for me to do one dive.... never have dove Crescent and would love to.
I'll let ya'll know tomorrow. Thanks,

Great. Try to make it Dave, it would be good diving with you, and Crescent is a nice dive - easy entry, a little surface swim, lots to see underwater.

Some of us have to work. :jail:


Sorry John, next time.
See ya'll @ 7:30 .... any one else joining up?

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