Fri 12/19 Night dive

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
# of dives
1000 - 2499
A buddy of mine wants to do a night dive when I get back. It'll be Fri night the 19th. I haven't figured out where yet so if anyone wants to join us & has any suggestions chime in.

I can do a Night dive If its in the Malibu area :D
I can do a night dive if it's not a rocky entry, and preferably if it's not a super deep site (will be diving wet again, and I'm a huge wuss!).
Well Malibu sandy beach it is. If we can get shore support we can do either Deer Creek or Leo cause we need someone with a light giuding us in. If not we can do a lighted site.

My brother can play beach B**ch :) If he dont mind lol....

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