Unfortunately no. The SPEC boot is the limiting factor here. (There is also a liability factor for the shop in doing something that is no longer SP approved. I use SPEC boots on my own regs but then I am not likely to sue myself for doing something that is no longer factory approved.)mattboy:DA, a question. I assume my mk15 has the spec system and has been packed with Christolube, if I remember from an earlier post of yours. I actually might be in some pretty cold water this summer if I can make it out to Clear Lake in Oregon, right near where my sister lives.
The first Mk 3's, Mk 5's and Mk 10's designed to use a SPEC system had really small holes in the ambient chamber (maybe 1/16" in diameter) that made it more difficult for the silicone to leak out. But they still none the less added a boot a few years later to keep it in better. The Mk 15 however was designed from the start to use a SPEC boot and had much larger holes in the ambient chamber. So unless the boot is in place, the silicone departs very quickly. These holes incidently got even larger and more oval in shape on the Mk 25 to improve water flow in and out of the ambient chamber so it is even less an option on anything other than the earliest Mk 25's.
The bad news is that SP has been recommending that techs remove SPEC boots on Mk 15's and Mk 20's (as well as Mk 10's) and then not fill the chambers with silicone and instead just coat the parts inside the ambient chamber with Christolube for antifreeze protection. So nearly all the Mk 15 and Mk 20 SPEC boots have been thrown away over the years since SP went to the TIS system during MK 20 production and now does not stock replacements.
The semi-good news however is that Mk 15 also introduced a piston bushing to help insulate the head of the piston as well as a teflon coated mainspring so it is mostly TIS equipped already. Unless you are going to be in water colder than 45-50 degrees, it would not be something to worry about.
I recently bought a very nice Mk 15 first stage that is missing the SPEC boot. Since I like the SPEC system but cannot find a SPEC boot, I cut a small piece of bicycle innertube to serve as a surrogate spec boot and will see how well this works at retaining the silicone in the ambient chamber. It is again not SP approved but would be a possible option for do it your selfers.
The metal case and metal air barrel allows exceptional heat transfer and I have never had a metal cased second stage freeze up or spit chunks of ice at me. They are also very nice to use in terms of dry mouth as the metal causes moisture from your exhaled air to condense on the air barrel which is then re-inspired on the next breath so dry mouth is a very rare occurrence.I also assume the metal case balanced adjustable 2nd stage would be better suited for really cold water than a modern plastic 2nd stage, correct.
Your G250 is also one of the older ones with a metal air barrel. This allows heat to flow to the air barrel from the metal inlet fittimg outside the second stage and also from the metal adjustment knob on the other end of the air barrel so they also do very well in cold water. The metal air barrel also makes them relatively dry mouth free like the balanced adjustable.