Freediving Course - Options and Recommendations?

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Scuba Instructor
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I will be in Thailand mid March to mid May for some scuba diving and thought I might take a REAL freediving course. I can go anywhere in Thailand for the course. I would like to hear from anyone living in Thailand regarding whom to contact for course pricing and options or anyone that has taken a course in Thailand that can provide recommendations? I am not looking for someone who has the main focus as Scuba Diving and teaches Free Diving as an additional revenue source because a couple of customers asked for it. I am looking for someone that has Free Diving as their main passion and focus with experience in this area of diving.

I have already done an internet search so I have a few websites to investigate but its not a good substitute for real experience. And I have been to Thailand enough times to know that all is not necessarily what it seems from an internet site.

Also, I am not adverse to taking the course with a Thai instructor whom speaks some english.

Thanks, John
john, i lived on koh tao for quite a while and there is a really good free diving school on the island called apnea total, i know a guy who went to quite a high level with them and said they are really good and extremely professional, i also know lots of people who have done the standard courses and recommend them aswell.

They just deal with free diving and static apnea so no tagging along with scuba divers if you dont want that.

here is the web address Apnea Total - Koh Tao's Freediving Experience hope that helps a bit, if you want any more info on koh tao just ask.
Thanks for the input so far.

Apnea Total is one of the candidates on the list.

Has anyone actually take a course with them that can comment on it?

Thanks for the input so far.

Apnea Total is one of the candidates on the list.

Has anyone actually take a course with them that can comment on it?


Always meant too, never did, but loads of mates/customers have and I've seen them in action above and below water many times.

Highly recommended, John, in fact i don't know of anyone in Thailand who does this.

You could have a fiddle around off teh Trident while you're here too, but don't get lost!


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