Stress and Panic Management for Divers:
Training Exercises for Controlling Diver Stress & Panic*
(reproduced with copyright permission of Tom Griffiths, Ed.D.)
Training Exercises for Controlling Diver Stress & Panic*
(reproduced with copyright permission of Tom Griffiths, Ed.D.)
Part 1: The Causes and Symptoms of Diver Stress
Part 2: The Calming Breath Response
Part 3: Mental Rehearsal for Controlling Underwater Stress
Part 4: Systematic Progressive Relaxation
*These exercises are NOT intended to be a substitute for professional treatment. Consult your personal physician or therapist before using them if you have a history of Panic Disorder or Claustrophobia or any other anxiety problems. Part 2: The Calming Breath Response
Part 3: Mental Rehearsal for Controlling Underwater Stress
Part 4: Systematic Progressive Relaxation