Fourth of July at CSSP

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Tomorrow's day at CSSP may or may not be in jeopardy. There was a horrible accident involving an 18-wheeler on Hwy 80 in Forney today. The driver of the rig was killed and from what I thought I heard on one of the reports, he took out a bridge railing while veering out of control. The highway has been closed for today, and I've heard it may be closed and detours set up througout the weekend. We could probably go into Terrell from I-20, instead, but let me know if you hear any updates on this situation.
I20 to TX 34 in Terrell will work. Also, you could take I30 to Rockwall exit at TX205 and take 205 south into Terrell. As you can see there are many ways to skin the kitty.
I think I will give Friday a try. I don't know where we will set up, but I will have the TSDT banner out.

We may stick around for a night dive.
Thanks for the information on HW 80.

I may try SeaHunts route.
It's looking like I'll be there Friday too- probably about the time they open. What time are y'all expecting to get there?

As you may have guessed by the time you read this, I did not get to come out to CSSP today. I'm getting ready for my trip and my foot is still a little tender (I suspect it may be tendonitis), so I asked for a rain check, as did ScubaJana. I'll get back out there sometime after I return on the 17th. Hope you people have a great time out there this weekend. Leave some bubbles from me, please. ;)
Conditions were great at CSSP today. I didn't see any of the swampers that might have made it out there, but the lake was in fine form. Vis was at least 30' in places. The fish were out in force, and the bluegill were entertaining. It must be spawning season for the bluegill because I got to watch one digging a nest (didn't see much 'cause he had the bottom so stirred up), several were hovering over nests trying to entice mates, and at one nest a pair was doing a courtship dance. All in all, a good dive.

Panama Jack once bubbled...
Will the moderator that deleted my post private message me with the reason why? Thanks.

I can't find a record of any action taken. Check your PM's.

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