Fossil dive 6/29/03

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ReefGuy and I have PM'd each other on this dive. I would love to join you guys but Sunday is already spoken for. It sounds like there are several boarders that want to go. Have a good and save dive but please consider putting another dive together soon. Besides it kinda looking like it's going to rain all weekend.

Yale (wildbill) H.:D
Viz averages 2' - 6', but I've seen it as high as 30' and as low as zero. Zero is when you cannot see through your mask. When it's under 6 inches, I usually skip the dive and search in the surf zone.

Current is mild when present. If the winds are high out of the west, we'll skip the dive and play in the surf.
The folks from my LDS told me that vis on Venice Beach is all of about 1" this week. Seeing as I was there to buy some shiny new al/80's, I'm going to at least verify this :D

With the execllent chance of rain, I think we should get out there early. Like hit the water no later than 10:30.
OK, I'll be at the site no later than 9:30 AM. Anyone wanting to join us be there by 10 so we can hit the water by 10:30. I'll check the weather and post the results here by 7.

Head to Venice on I 75. Take exit 193 and head SW on Jacaranda. Turn right on Venice Ave. Stay on Venice Ave until after you’ve crossed the bridge to the downtown area. Turn left at the second light after the bridge (Harbor). Turn right at the 5th street (Alhambra). Park on the street as close to the dead end as possible. Be careful not to block the driveway to the condo.

Marla (or anyone else from Fort Myers), if you want to drive up together, give me a call (or a PM).

See you there.
So since I haven't ever done a dive like this before, what's the situation with lights? Should I bring one? Willit make that big a difference?
I always carry my secondary in a bc pocket, but a light is not necessary. It'll be a sandy bottom, scattered gorgonians, and about 15'.

I'll try to be there no later than 9:30 too. See ya there!
Winds look good - 6 knots shifting from all directions. Water temps 85 - 86° F. Pray for good viz. I'll b there at 9:30. See ya!
Inquiring Minds want to know...

Scuba-sass :-)

Was a shame I was working this weekend. Would like to try that dive with someone who knows where to do it at.

My brother and I went one time about a year ago, but didnt find anything and really had no idea what we were doing or where to look.

Oh well,

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