Review Forcefin comfort is amazing!

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Background: I swim pretty regularly, but due to my new scuba interest decided to try fins for the first time ever recently.

I tried 3mm neoprene dive socks with a new $30 pair of shorter open-heel fins, and some longer full-foot speedos my pool had available.

Both felt absolutely horrible. I'm pretty sure the pool ones were bent out of shape, despite what they said. They were like a quarter circle.

But the other ones seem to be well-liked by many, many people (#2 best-selling on Amazon with a 4.6).

My issues were that my ankle/foot felt pulled way too far back, and the pressure was concentrated on the front of the foot on and right behind the toes. I have knee issues and they didn't seem too happy either.

Then I got some ML force fin originals for my size 12 feet. They fit perfectly. And all of the problems I had with the other fins just were not there. They were just comfortable, with the extra pressure being transferred to parts of my body that made sense. And it's definitely the fastest I have ever swam.

I do hope to try some more expensive "normal" fins at some point, but I don't see how the physics would work any differently than the $30 ones. If anything I'd think it would be worse as the fin blades would be longer and/or wider.
Physics. That is what this boils down to for sure. I have blown out both knees and both ankles through, sports, military, and accidents.

My knee injuries made me stop diving. I couldn't handle the way "boards attached to toes" pulled me knees apart as I tried dragging the boards through the water. If you think that the average diver doesn't DRAG his fins through the water, just take a glimpse at the HUGE devices that they employ to keep them attached to their toes! "Board" divers have invent all kinds of work arounds to get any kind of efficiency out of their boards, e.g. "frog kicking".

Force Fins PROPEL you through the water. Simple physics (not so simple huh Bob!?) demonstrate that any action causes and equal and OPPOSITE reaction. Force fins force water 180° to the direction of travel. In other words, 100% efficient in terms of force and reaction. "Boards" send the force 90° to the direction of travel.

This is easily observed when finning close to the bottom. "Boards" kick up little silt tornadoes on either side of each "board" while nothing is observed from Force Fins because the water is being propelled to the rear parallel to the deck. It is also why Force Fins Pros do not work as well on the surface. They are MADE FOR DIVING and being submerged! This is also why you can dive without a strap. If a Force Fin starts to get loose, just kick harder to reseat it! Try THAT using a "board" without a strap!
My FF Pros are definitely my most comfortable fins. And they feel pretty effortless in the water. I suspect that is the reason some folks think they don't provide enough thrust. But I've timed then against other fins and they are right up there. For one example, I've found then to be basically identical in speed with the very popular Scubapro Go Sports. Both at low and high exertion levels.

If you want to be really impressed, try dolphin kicking with them.

They aren't the fastest though. That title goes to my full foot Mares Superchannels. But those fins sometimes cause cramps and are also too long to pack in a carry on bag.

My only real complaint about Force Fins is that I find it difficult to tread water in them.

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