For Women Only: Girls Who Go "Down"

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Reaction score
Bay Area California
# of dives
100 - 199
Are you a female scuba diver who would enjoy a little more scenery and a little less machismo? Check out my new female-only blog/site: "Girls Who Go Down." This Web site, dive.girlswhogodown dot com (this site won't let me post the site URL correctly) for female-oriented SCUBA content, female-only SCUBA certifications, and women's-only dive trips. This site is meant for female divers who want to approach diving in a slightly different way than many of the guys we encounter. C'mon gurrrlz! Let's form our own "posse!"
Welcome to the board

ScubaBoard already has it's very own Girls Dive Club, so this purpose is already being served here

Plus we have a pretty active member here based out of California who organizes all girls dive classes, trips, courses, etc.

But welcome to SB, maybe you can get involved with Scuba Chixs and meet fellow female divers.

Hmmm...this appears to have been moved from the introduction forum...odd...
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This Web site, dive.girlswhogodown dot com (this site won't let me post the site URL correctly) for female-oriented SCUBA content, female-only SCUBA certifications, and women's-only dive trips.
This is done to prevent post-and-run spammers. Once you made 5 posts you should have no further problems posting URLs. :)

Scuba Diving Training and Excursions for Women Only
My site is also aimed at women who are NOT on ScubaBoard. So, I think there is room for both! And collaboration, too . .. . definitely room for 2 women's groups, no?
I have made several posts....just wondering why they have never made it here??? I love reading and entering my experiences. I have not met any women here in Maine to dive with..I have asked several woman from Maine to join my buddy list with no response.....aaawww Where are you ladies?

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