For divers with 100+ dives - do you have a "happy place"?

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I lived and worked in Mirconesia for most of the 70's on Kwajalein and Meck islands. Kwajalein is the largest atoll so no shortage of unspoiled reefs both lagoon and oceanside and coral heads. Lots of Japanese wrecks from the war and some ships that were involved in operation crossroads and towed back to Kwaj for radiological survey, including the Prinz Eugen a 700' German cruiser that was the sister ship to the Bismark. Multiple trips to nearby Chuuk, Pohnpei, Yap and Belau.

After the arrogance faded I realized that it was just being in/under the water that I love, so it really hasn't mattered where.
Conception Island, the Bahamas. Uninhabited island, protected marine park, 100+ viz on every dive, big stuff, small stuff, a wreck, almost two miles of wall that very few dive operators ever visit. I saw my first tiger shark there, as well as my first greater hammerhead. Exploring the island (by kayak) is magical too, with baby nurse sharks and southern stingrays in the small tidal pools.
For me it's whereever I am diving next.

But my 20 year daughter would agree with COCO View.
Cocos Island - been there 4 times in 2 years and planning another trip for later this summer.
thanks to everyone who "got" what I was asking! I love hearing what makes that ONE place special in your heart. :D

It took me 350+ dives to find that ONE special place for me and I didn't even realize it until 4 months after we got back and I went diving somewhere else. Every day I found myself wishing I was at my "happy place" instead of where we were, comparing every little thing which just couldn't measure up! It took me going somewhere else to realize how much I really loved CCV. :D

I am surprised that I haven't seen Lembeh or Wakatobi or other more remote places.

Keep the "happy places" coming!

"Happy Place" = Key Largo - About when I drive off mainland Florida and start getting into the keys everything just feels right!! May be better places in the world to dive - but it just feels right to dive in Key Largo.:D
I try not to limit myself to a location. I realized my happy place was an event that I can do in many places while diving. I like to go under an overhang/cavern and watch my bubbles collect and then roll up to the surface. The sound they make doing this is also amazing.

That and taking pictures of the bubbles too!

For me its definitely CCV! I'm going back (again!) at the end of June! W00t! :D

I think I might need a twelve-step group for this addiction... :cool2:

OTOH, if there was one it would probably either meet in the clubhouse or maybe Hawksbill Key:


I could dive Mary's Place every day:

John_B (Coco Nut in training)
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While I love the keys and the diving there I've also been to Bonaire, Jamaica, amd Cozumel. My Happy place for diving though would be somewhere I've yet to visit. Don't know if I ever will but Bikini Atoll is where I'd see myself retiring if I had the resources. Just to dive the wrecks. Another would be on the shores of Scapa Flow. My ultimate dream dive destination as far as just a dive is the Doria. I had a goal of hitting it in 2010. Does not look like it will happen with the economy the way it is and my training getting sidetracked by becoming an instructor. If there's no wrecks it really does not interest me and I'm not allowed to do caves(wife's orders).

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