Suggestion Following/followers

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Reg Braithwaite

Reg Braithwaite

Reaction score
Toronto, ON
# of dives
50 - 99
I would like a Facebook/Twitter-ish feature where we can "follow" a forum or a member combined with a box on the home page where we see updates from the forums and people we are following, e.g. "Reg Braithwaite started thread "Following/followers" in the Suggestions forum three minutes ago."

There are buddies and friends on SB, but I obviously haven't figured out what they are for. Is there a way to get this functionality with buddies and friends? And likewise is there a way to follow my favourite forums?
Something like this?

I fixed the link :D :)joke:). So, when you do the facebook thing, are you linking to the individual POST or to the THREAD that contains that post? I assume that since the icon shows after each post, all you would see in Facebook would be the individual post.
It's because we don't support them in this and some other forums.
The icons are only visible in forums that are accessible to unregistered members.

Something like this?
Search results are temporary and cannot be used by others.

So, when you do the facebook thing, are you linking to the individual POST or to the THREAD that contains that post? I assume that since the icon shows after each post, all you would see in Facebook would be the individual post.
You link to the thread, not an individual post.
:hmmm: Maybe I should see if I can link the HCT :D to my Facebook. Now that is productive and might even win me a lot of new friends. Somehow I doubt the PUB has that functionality to it.

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