Suggestion Following/followers

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Reg Braithwaite

Reg Braithwaite

Reaction score
Toronto, ON
# of dives
50 - 99
I would like a Facebook/Twitter-ish feature where we can "follow" a forum or a member combined with a box on the home page where we see updates from the forums and people we are following, e.g. "Reg Braithwaite started thread "Following/followers" in the Suggestions forum three minutes ago."

There are buddies and friends on SB, but I obviously haven't figured out what they are for. Is there a way to get this functionality with buddies and friends? And likewise is there a way to follow my favourite forums?
You can subscribe to an entire forum like you subscribe to a thread. Any updates to the forum then show up in your UserCP and depending on which notification option you've set, either daily, weekly or never in your e-mail.

Subscribed forums will be shown at the top of your UserCP. I know several people who make that their default SB startup page.

Subscribed threads can viewed at any time from the Quick LInks dropdown - choose Subscribed Threads.

Anyone on your buddy list currently online will show up on the same dropdown under Open Buddies Popup. I don't do Friends so I'm not sure what added functionality that provides.

At one time we allowed people to view what all other currently online members were viewing but it was stopped (I think) after it was used it to follow and harass other members. Unfortunately a Twitter type ap running solely on SB could be also.

I've never seen a Facebook/Twitter type feature that works under .vbulletin either.
You can subscribe to an entire forum like you subscribe to a thread. Any updates to the forum then show up in your UserCP and depending on which notification option you've set, either daily, weekly or never in your e-mail.

Subscribed forums will be shown at the top of your UserCP. I know several people who make that their default SB startup page.

I don't do Friends so I'm not sure what added functionality that provides.
There's no added functionality for Friends.

At one time we allowed people to view what all other currently online members were viewing but it was stopped (I think) after it was used it to follow and harass other members. Unfortunately a Twitter type ap running solely on SB could be also.

You can of course look at any members recent posts (for all forums you have access to).

There are no current plans to add Twitter-like functionality.
I notice there is the ability to digg and whatever those other little icons do, is there an ability to add a twitter icon there?
I notice there is the ability to digg and whatever those other little icons do, is there an ability to add a twitter icon there?

I once thought I was somewhat computer I am the one asking what the heck you are talking about. If I understand you correctly you have a twitch from digging :D? :joke:. Where are you seeing these digg & twitter options (and what the heck are digg & twitter?).
IDK what Digg is, but twitter is a hmm IDK how to explain it here read this :D

At one point I saw them at the bottom of the page or in the posts. . . can't see them right now . . . :hmmm: Maybe I was drinking a bit to much rum the day I "saw" them.
It's because we don't support them in this and some other forums.

The icons are links to various social bookmarking/networking sites.

Try one of the the Scuba related forums. Look for the icons in the bottom left corner of any post.

We support digg,, Technorati, Furl and Facebook.

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