Flower Garden Hammerheads?

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Austin, TX
Has anybody been on a hammerhead trip in the Flower Gardens? What species of hammerhead do they have down there? One of my friends really wants to go on this dive (and has two spots) and wants me to go. I don't exactally want to become lunch though. Any hints about what to expect. It would be off the Fling or the Spree (can't remember which).
I'm not going to guess as the species of hammers that they see out there.

I have never heard of anyone getting bit though. When I talked to the captain of the Spree he told me that a Tiger shark sighting will keep divers on the boat.

I am scheduled to go in March. Keeping my fingers crossed the weather is good.

Expect: A strong possibility of diving in moderate seas.

I went on a trip 2 or 3 years ago in February. Saw 7 or 8 hammerheads.Very Cool :) The nearest they got was maybe 30 feet,not in the least bit intimidating. My understanding is that Hammerheads do not like bubbles,so to get close to them you really need a rebreather.

The weather at this time of year in the Gulf is distinctly iffy. The majority of trips get cancelled due to high seas. The trip I was on got cut short on the Saturday evening due to 12 foot waves (not in the forcast !) resulting in a VERY slow and rough passage back,had to hold on to the side of the bunks to stop getting thrown out onto the floor. Quite the adventure
Thanks for the feedback so far! I was not worried about becoming lunch but Mother doesn't want any of her "babies" anywhere close to a shark. She looked up "hammerhead" in the dictionary and told me that they were described as "vicious". I think I have some good ammo to fire back.
Thanks for the feedback so far! I was not worried about becoming lunch but Mother doesn't want any of her "babies" anywhere close to a shark. She looked up "hammerhead" in the dictionary and told me that they were described as "vicious". I think I have some good ammo to fire back.

are commonly seen. I've been in the water with hundreds of them and have never seen any threatening behavior displayed.

They seem quite content to avoid divers and we were often required to conceal ourselves to be able to get them within camera range.

You'll be more concerned with just getting out than shark attacks.
Has anybody been on a hammerhead trip in the Flower Gardens? What species of hammerhead do they have down there? One of my friends really wants to go on this dive (and has two spots) and wants me to go. I don't exactally want to become lunch though. Any hints about what to expect. It would be off the Fling or the Spree (can't remember which).

We went out last Thursday and Friday. Many divers reported seeing hammerheads, without incident. I saw a single hammerhead at Stetson Friday. It was about 30' above me and pretty much ignored me. Also ran into a school of 15 (counted 'em!) spinner sharks; when I got close they moved away to keep their distance. Tiger and bull sharks are the ones to watch out there.
Besides hammerheads, saw nurse sharks, squadron of 4 eagle rays flying in formation, and hundreds of king mackerel myself. Others saw more. There's lots to see out there in hammerhead season besides hammerheads........ Go and enjoy! :)

It's the scalloped hammerheads that congregate at the Banks. They look a lot like the smooth ones, except for the er... scalloping on the head.

In all the years people have dove the Banks, has ANYONE ever been attacked by a shark? Just wondering. I'd get out if I saw a tiger shark too. Bull sharks also if they were over five feet in length. The great hammerheads are somewhat sketchy too.

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