Florida offshore oil rigs

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I'm at the stage where I figure its patriotic to buy as few gallons of $4+ gas from imported oil as possible.
Hear hear!
Might as well drill off the Florida coast since China is doing it already.
A good article from today's Wall Street Journal:

Let's Have Some Love for Nuclear Power
July 21, 2008

All over the world, nuclear power is making a comeback. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has just commissioned eight new reactors, and says there's "no upper limit" to the number Britain will build in the future. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has challenged her country's program to phase out 17 nuclear reactors by 2020, saying it will be impossible to deal with climate change without them. China and India are building nuclear power plants; France and Russia, both of whom have embraced the technology, are fiercely competing to sell them the hardware.

And just last month John McCain called for the construction of 45 new reactors by 2030. Barack Obama is less enthusiastic about nuclear energy, but he seems to be moving toward tacit approval.

In the U.S. at present, 104 nuclear plants generate about 21% of our electric power. Last November, NRG Energy, of Princeton, N.J., became the first company to file for a license to build a new nuclear plant since the 1970s. Almost a dozen more applications have now also been filed.

While we may be at a turning point, one enormous question still hangs over this revival of nuclear power in the U.S.: Who is going to pay for it? The construction of reactors in the rest of the world is essentially a government enterprise. Private investment and even public approval are not always necessary. In the U.S., however, the capital will have to be raised from Wall Street. But not many investors are willing to put up $5 billion to $10 billion for a project that could become engulfed by 10 to 15 years of regulatory delay -- as occurred during the 1980s. The Seabrook plant in New Hampshire went through 14 years of that before opening in 1990. The Long Island Lighting Company's Shoreham plant began in 1973, but was shut down by protests in 1989 without generating a watt of electricity, and the company went bankrupt as a result.

If we are now going to choose nuclear power as a way to resolve both our concerns about global warming and our looming energy shortfalls, we are first going to have to engage in a national debate about whether or not we accept the technology. To begin this discussion, I suggest redefining what we call nuclear power as "terrestrial energy."

Every fuel used in human history -- firewood, coal, oil, wind and water -- has been derived from the sun. But terrestrial energy is different.

Terrestrial energy is the heat at the earth's core that raises its temperature to 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than the surface of the sun. Remarkably, this heat derives largely from a single source -- the radioactive breakdown of uranium and thorium. The energy released in the breakdown of these two elements is enough to melt iron, stoke volcanoes and float the earth's continents like giant barges on its molten core.

Geothermal plants are a way of tapping this heat. They are generally located near fumaroles and geysers, where groundwater meets hot spots in the earth's crust. If we dig down far enough, however, we will encounter more than enough heat to boil water. Engineers are now talking about drilling down 10 miles (the deepest oil wells are only five miles) to tap this energy.

Here's a better idea: Bring the source of this heat -- the uranium -- to the surface, put it in a carefully controlled environment, and accelerate its breakdown a bit to raise temperatures to around 700 degrees Fahrenheit, and use it to boil water. That's what we do in a nuclear reactor.

Because the public first became aware of nuclear energy through warfare, reactors have always been thought of as "silent bombs." But nuclear plants cannot explode. The fissionable isotope of uranium must be enriched to 90% to create a weapon. In a reactor it is only 3%. You could not blow up a nuclear reactor if you tried.

Nor is the threat of terrorists crashing an airplane into a reactor and setting off a holocaust very plausible. The Department of Energy once crashed an F-4 jet going 500 miles per hour into a concrete wall the thickness of a nuclear containment structure. The plane vaporized while the concrete was barely dented. (You can watch it on YouTube: "Plane crashes into wall.")

Finally, the problem of radioactive waste has been absurdly exaggerated. More than 95% of the material in a spent fuel rod can be recycled for energy and medical isotopes.

We have a nuclear waste problem in this country because we gave up reprocessing in the 1970s. The fear was that terrorists or foreign nationals would steal plutonium from American reactors to build bombs. This is a bit like worrying that terrorists will steal all the gold from Fort Knox. Other countries have built bombs in the intervening years. They didn't need American plutonium to do it.

Meanwhile, France has proved that reprocessing works. With a fully developed nuclear cycle, the French now store all the waste from 30 years of producing 75% of its electricity beneath the floor of one room at La Hague in Normandy.

Three days after Sen. McCain made his proposal on June 18, Admiral "Skip" Bowman, president of the Nuclear Energy Institute, wrote an op-ed asking for yet more government support in developing nuclear energy. It can't work this way.

If nuclear energy is to progress, it must stand on its own. That means Wall Street has to invest. And convincing Wall Street to invest means persuading the public that there is nothing unacceptably dangerous or diabolical about nuclear power.

Mr. Tucker's book, "Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Power Can Lead the Green Revolution and End America's Long Energy Odyssey," will be published in September by Bartleby.
Furthermore, ethanol is a popular red herring whose real cost is hidden under subsidies with a likely secondary effect of worldwide famine - burning food on the altar of environmentalism is not good.

Don't even think of hanging this one on the environmental movement, which agrees to the "red herring" status of this program. You need to look to the farm lobby as the culprits.
I've always wondered why they don't allow offshore drilling. The accident/ spillage rate is so small. I don't think I've ever really heard of a large spill from a rig. Especially now since the Red Chinese have entered into an agreement with Cuba and will be drilling 60 miles offshore anyway. Why aren't we,other than because of a bunch of UNEMPLOYED tree huggers who don't need to pay for gas to GET TO WORK anyhow! That's why they are so vocal. They are not at work. Same with ANWR. The caribou seem to love the warmth of the pipeline and the people who protest don't live near there anyway. Most of em in fact would last about 1/2 a day out in the woods. Thanks Captain for this thread.

I know this is old, but let me enlighten you a bit.
End of last year while i'm working from the Cocodrie rig off of Houma, LA we had a pipeline burst. We discovered the leak in less than 3 hours and had the leak repaired in less than another 4 hours. The damage? An oil slick 8 miles wide and 24 miles long. Why did no one see it on the evening news? Good question! I'm guessing because oil companies own LA. I never witnessed a Coast Guard helicopter or boat. The only boats in the water were ours for the repairs and several others with the booms for cleanup. And this type of stuff happens more than you'd think.

Now just to be clear. I can't wait for the rigs to show up, if it really ever happens.
I know this is old, but let me enlighten you a bit.
End of last year while i'm working from the Cocodrie rig off of Houma, LA we had a pipeline burst. We discovered the leak in less than 3 hours and had the leak repaired in less than another 4 hours. The damage? An oil slick 8 miles wide and 24 miles long. Why did no one see it on the evening news? Good question! I'm guessing because oil companies own LA. I never witnessed a Coast Guard helicopter or boat. The only boats in the water were ours for the repairs and several others with the booms for cleanup. And this type of stuff happens more than you'd think.

Now just to be clear. I can't wait for the rigs to show up, if it really ever happens.
Got pictures?
Yes I do.

I'd also like to work again.
I've done work for the oil companies for a number of years. Things have changed dramatically for the better. I attended a meeting at a major oil company in the past year discussing that the oil company was INC'd (that's a reprimand with possible punitive actions from the government) for an accidental release of an oil mist into the air that settled onto the water. The company estimated that it was something like 1/10,000 of a gallon of oil. This is not a joke. I can't speak for the independents, but the majors are vastly more consciensous about oil spills than the typical boater filling his fuel tank. A typical boater can spill more petroleum product in a single tank fill than a typical production platform for a major oil company will release in months of operation.

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