Florida Cave Instructors

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Scubaboard has a strict policy against hateful or threatening statements... calling someone a Nazi is hateful and insults those who had to live, suffer and/or die under that regime. The word has been starred out in most of your Posts (except for Spectre's) and should be avoided unless referring to a sunken vessel. Please feel free to edit those stars completely out but do not replace them.

Please use the "report this post to a moderator" button at the bottom of any post that contains offensive, hateful or threatening words. Be specific and identify what words are offensive to you and why. Your indignation towards this poster is justified, but it would have been better to have it edited or removed earlier than to just malinger on.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me or any other moderator. Any further discussion of this issue should take place in the NDR section of our board. Thank you for your cooperation.
There are many fine instructors GUE, Ginny, and luraville area. Please take you time and chat with a few and chat with some of their previous students and get to know what your purchasing because you want the best training for your buck. I don't think many people would tell you not to use an instructor but there are some bad ones in the group. Ask someone who is certified and in the business but doesn’t instruct like a LDS owner or an experienced diver. I have used several instructors and think that you learn more that way.
Thanks again everyone who contributed useful answers to my question. I am looking at all your recommendations and will sign up with whoever seems right for me. I am sure I can't go wrong with any of these instructors no matter what agency they are from. It's unfortunate that there had to be some name calling, one of my biggest pet peves of this form is people always seem to feel that they have the need to bash agencys, techniques etc. If you disagree with what someone has said that is fine but make sure you have a good reason and something to back it up with, or else keep it to yourself.
Thanks again everyone and I can't wait to take some courses.:)
I'm sorry for the reference, you guys are right it was wrong of me to use that word.

BUT, my EXPERIENCE (yes I have some ) with GUE was 3 years ago and it was generally poor. I know a guy (no, I do not consider him my friend but thats a whole other story)who applied to take the GUE cave 1 (or tech 1 I forgot which now) and was turned down because he was a smoker, well I had another friend who smoked who took the class and lied on his paperwork, he was accepted and completed the class.... I just have never thought that was fair, or right for that matter. They turned down a diver who is a good, safe diver and has a genuine interest in the sport because he did something that went against their philosophy, yet they trained another who lied on the application (and I suspect he was not the first)... It gave me a bad feeling about them....

They have some good ideas and seem to be making some solid contributions to the community I just wish they would make room for people who do not fit their molds. Now, I have been told that they have recently released some of their rules and made them "guidelines" so that they can be more flexible with students, so maybe that is the start of a good thing. My point on my original post is that EVERYONE should be able to dive if they want to, but just like driving, they should be trained accordingly!
I'm missing your point. So your friend lied on his application and took a GUE class, while another guy was truthful and was turned down. How is this not fair from GUE's point of view? How did you expect the instructor to verify your friend's statements that he was non-smoker? Follow him around? Use a hidden camera?

The policies don't discriminate - the standards clearly state no smokers allowed. Your friend lied in order to take the class... the instructor wasn't being unfair.
Your right man, you've convinced me.

Go to GUE unless you don't fit their standards, then you shouldn't dive at all. It's just THAT simple.

I took my cave1 with David Rhea, and when I get the chance I will take cave2 with him. He is an awesome instructor.
Kevin Robinson
I did my cavern/intro with Larry Green last December. You won't be disappointed. An excellant instructor and a real nice guy.

Its a great course to by the way, tho I don't find much use for my intro to cave card around here...alot of the skills learned are applicable anywhere.

The caves are breathtaking down there also, just be sure to buy/borrow/steal yourself a HID light...you won't regret it. :)

Heres a pic Larry Green took as me and my buddy were dropping down into Peacock;

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