Boy, this is some bizarre stuff.
DAN's insurance to cover just a 5050Z and an Ikelite housing is $100. But with the $250 deductable, if there was a flood I'd get only about half the cost of the camera back, the housing isn't damaged by the flood itself (the problem obviously would have to be corrected, but the housing itself would be ok)
Their premium is $99 for this "coverage."
So I pay $100 for $250 worth of insurance. What's wrong with this picture? Close to half the value of the coverage?
Now interestingly enough, if I schedule a bunch of other stuff (like my primary reg set, my wing and plate and dive computer, it suddenly becomes a better deal. It appears that the next "breakpoint" for the premium is at $5,000 in total coverage, at which point the cost begins to rise.
The problem is that until and unless you have very expensive single items that can be hosed by a flood (say, a $3,000 camera) the deductable for floods gets to be quite punitive.
In a theft situation you're likely to lose ALL of the gear, so it works better in that situation.
But for floods, DAN's equipment plan doesn't appear to make much sense. It does, however, make a lot of money for DAN I'm sure!
DEPPs program is a bit odd. First, you must enroll one set of complete dive gear (defined as a BCD, Reg, and one more piece of gear) BEFORE you can buy flood insurance. Then your "floodable" things must be scheduled, with a 4% uptick. So let's take some examples:
1. Reg, "higher end" piece - $600 (retail prices here)
2. BC, again, "higher end" like a Knighthawk - $500.
3. Computer (which can flood!) - $500
4. Camera package (C5050) - $699 (again, retail stuff)
5. Ikelite housing ($500) for above
So we've got about $2800 worth of gear here, assuming no strobes. With one strobe we probably fit under $3500 still, so we'll compute that way.
They work out to $65 + ((500 + 699) * .04) = $112.96.
So DEPP is a bit cheaper, and the coverage a bit better for most "ordinary folk."
BUT, there are some catches. DEPP requires you to ship the gear to them within five days of an incident - not normally a problem, but it could be if your flood happens somewhere that shipping is not available (unlikely for most of us, but something to think about)
They also repair or replace gear, at their option, but do not pay cash settlements. For underwater digital photo gear, its going to be replace, and you can bet it will be a refurb, used, or reconditioned item - possibly ok, but something to be aware of.
I have no idea if they will actuall FIX the cause of the flood in the first place (e.g. a bad housing O-ring on a control)
Anyway, it looks interesting, but consider this - for digital cameras, at least, if you don't flood in the first year you can probably get that camera on eBAY for - at most - half of your original purchase price. This makes DAN deal look either real good or real bad depending on how you figure it.
It also means that DEPP is really cleaning up on you - they're figuring on a loss every year to two, at best, since flood losses won't damage your reg (duh!) but they're charging you for that part of the coverage anyway.
I'm still mulling this around, but I may be going the self-insure route on this one....neither of these programs look all that impressive, and I've had a lot of electronics underwater now for quite some time and have yet to have one flood on me - then again I'm absolutely anal about maintenance on the things that can be damaged by water getting inside.