Fish jumps into boat, bites woman

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A 45-year-old woman was bitten Sunday by what likely was a barracuda that jumped into her kayak off Big Pine Key, authorities say.

The woman, visiting from out of town, was reportedly kayaking with a male companion in the two-person kayak a little after 5 p.m. when the toothy fish leaped into the kayak, took a chunk out of her, jumped back in the water and swam away.

"It was a fish, obviously. What kind, we can't confirm," said Bobby Dube, Keys spokesman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. "I've never heard of a barracuda jump unless it's hooked or spooked."

The woman was so badly injured that "her lung was exposed," Dube said.

After receiving a call about the bite, the FWC responded. The woman was taken to land, then flown to Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami. She possibly suffered a punctured lung. Her name wasn't available.

Marine animals jumping into boats isn't common, but it does happen.

In March 2008, a Pigeon, Mich., woman, 55, died after a spotted eagle ray breached the 20-foot Boston Whaler she was on off Marathon. The ray slammed into her, killing her through blunt-force trauma. The ray also died.
Crazy that it did that much damage. Hope she will be alright, and not haunted by this forever.

Was it one of these fishes?
Crazy that it did that much damage. Hope she will be alright, and not haunted by this forever.

Was it one of these fishes?

The broken ribs are likely from her friend beating her with the kayak paddle trying to scare off the barracuda.
The broken ribs are likely from her friend beating her with the kayak paddle trying to scare off the barracuda.

Where was the part about broken ribs? I missed that. But exposed her lung? Holy ****! :shocked2:

Edit - just read the last article, looks like a houndfish (needlefish) was probably spooked by the paddles and jumped out of the water, spearing her in the back and puncturing a lung. I was originally picturing a barracuda taking a chunk out of her side.
Puncture wound seemed much more likely to me. For the gross over reporting that goes on with shark bits, it is amazing the under reporting that goes on with impaling injuries from bill fisherman.

If you are feeling bold, search a few key terms on YouTube...
There have been reports of Barracuda jumoing into boats and biting the people in the boat. I also pictured a Barracuda biting this lady in th eside, but the report that was posted about the possibility of a Houndfish makes more sense. Sounds like she will be all right, she will have one heck of a tale to tell.
Where was the part about broken ribs? I missed that.

Woman Wounded By Jumping Fish While Kayaking -

No doubt some colorful and creative journalism but this is where it is stated.

A woman was flown to Miami from the lower Keys over the weekend after she was wounded by a jumping fish while kayaking off Big Pine Key.

Karri Larson, 46, and a friend were kayaking Sunday evening when the fished jumped out of the water and bit her in the chest. When her companion called for help and he told the emergency dispatcher that he couldn't get the two person kayak back to shore without causing her further injury, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.

A Coast Guard rescue crew contacted TowBoat U.S. which used a small boat to ferry a paramedic into the shallow water to reach Larson. She was then transferred to the boat and taken to a nearby marina.

Once on shore Larson was airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital where she's listed as stable in the ICU.

The Coast Guard initially said Larson, who suffered several broken ribs and a punctured lung, was bitten by a barracuda. But Bobby Dube with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission doubts that. He told CBS4 news partner The Miami Herald that Larson had a puncture would and that barracuda have sharp teeth that cut like a knife. He said the type of wound was inconsistent with barracuda teeth.
Yikes. Years ago I was kayaking with an ex GF at night to observe the stars. I heard a WHAP and smelled something. I immediately recognized the smell and called to her "Did you just get hit by a flying fish?" She wasn't sure what kind of fish it was but the smell is distinctive. Fortunately no damage other than the lingering odor.

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