SCC dress code. Breakfast and lunch are timed based on dive boat departures & arrivals and are totally informal. Some type of shirt is appropriate and some type of shorts or a bathing suit is acceptable and common. Footwear is pretty much optional and you will see bare feet, flip-flops and dive booties. Dinner is a bit more formal and served in a dining room upstairs. Shorts or long pants, a proper shirt, and shoes (sandles) are expected. A nasty t-shirt will get you some looks but I have never seen anyone who was reasonably dressed asked to change (even when I thought they had crossed the line). Dinner is served from 6 till 9 to accomodate night dives. I usually eat eary before any night dive. If you do a 2-tank twilight/night dive, you will normally have time to change and get dinner when you get back. Or you can arrange (with Mario, the maitre de) for a box meal of some kind.