First time to GC 5/26-6/3 some Tips needed

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My wife and I just got certified and we are going on our first trip to GC. We are staying at the Reef Resort on the north east side. Any suggestions what Dive shop we should use? Where would the best place for us to go being only our 1st dive other then when we certified at the local lake here.
My wife and I went to GC when we were newly certified as well and just came back last Saturday. We spent a week there, got to know the island very well and best of all, we really got some good diving experience.

I looked at the resort your staying at on the internet, and as you stated, you're in the upper northeast quadrant. This is one of the less populated areas. I also read a bunch about the diving trips coordinated by your resort.

This is what I can tell you from our experience:

When we first booked our trip, we were going to stay at Cobalt resort, a dive facility. However, about 3 days prior to arriving, my wife and I got mixed signals and hence some apprehension about the dives being scheduled for us. The boat dives (1 - 2 tank dive) were a guided dive to around 100 foot at the north wall and then a buddy dive to around 60. The first dive indicated that we would do a buddy check at 60'. This made both my wife and I a little nervous, no pun intended, but perhaps we were in over our heads. You may want to think about this with the dives you're scheduling at Reef Resort. We had never been below 40' and on the first day, were going to 100'? We started to inquire from other dive facilities, some said, "don't worry about t", but there were the few who said, "no, it wasn't a good idea". I saw on your resort's webpage that their 2tank boat dives include a first dive to 100' on the East Wall with Red Sail sports.

We changed our plans, stayed at a hotel and did 'al la carte' shore diving all week. On the first day, we scheduled a guided shore dive with a Scottish guy with a great sense of humor and he took the edge off immediately. He helped us with much needed weighting assistance. From then on out, the week was fantastic and we both got a bunch of needed experience in the 40-60 range shore diving up and down the west side. Judging from some conversations my wife and I had with other couples, they wished they had done something similar. We weren't tied to any trip timeframes and were able to take our time getting into the water, talking with plenty of other divers and instructors and had time for a stingray city dive (very relaxing and fun). We practiced our own OOA, lost regs, and mask knock-off drills and spent a lot of time, (successfully I might add) locating turtles. A lot of experienced divers we talked to told us we were doing the perfect week for beginners.
I'm not saying that the boat diving isn't great and if the wind had died down by the end of the week, we may have gone to the west wall and done a guided dive, but I would recommend doing a bunch of reading on the boat dives in GC. It's mostly (if not all), wall diving. I guess it depends on how adventurous you are. I should add that we saved a ton of money shore diving. We spent less than $60.00 per day combined. Boat diving is going to run $200 to $300 per day with tips for the two of you. I think if we had done the original trip as scheduled, we would have gotten a bad taste in our mouth and either one of us might have questioned why we were even taking up this sport.

Anyway, from where you're staying, the majority of the shore dives are directly on the other side of the island, probably 45 minutes away. Sunset House, Don Fosters, Eden Rock, Divers Down, Cracked Conch and Lighthouse are just of the some facilities that have a dive shop on site. You could easily spend an entire week diving these locations.

Just my two cents of course. There may be others who feel you shouldn't be concerned, like some of the dive facilities who didn't even think twice about taking two complete novices down to 100+', but we're glad we followed our gut and had a much better and relaxing time.

An important lesson we both learned as a result is to open you mouth wide and speak clearly that you're a beginner. Sometimes it seemed that people didn't hear us the first time and we needed to stress and repeat that fact many times. If you don't speak up, people will assume you are okay with what they are recommending.

If you want our itinerary of the shore dives or the name of the guide instructor, let me know. Have a great time in GC and let us know how it goes. It's a beautiful island. When you take a day off, visit the history museum in Georgetown.
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I hadn't planned on using the Reef Resort for any dive planning. I'm told the east end is less dived and one might see more there, and our instructor who has go everywhere said most of the time the boat dives will separate novices from advanced and might not go as deep I also was concerned about going to 100'. I thought rec diver cert you are only suppose to go to 65 max. Maybe because your with an dive master. I would be okay with 60 max maybe even just 40-50' we have some friends that are advanced divers and they said make sure you get with a novice group because the advanced guys will get upset if you ruin there dive having to ascend early.
My suggestion is to hire a *personal* DiveMaster for your 1st day and ask all the questions you can think of then. It would be well worth the extra cost. By Day 2, you should be fine on your own.

BTW, the "advanced guys" don't get upset if you ascend early; when you ascend is up to you and no one else's business. The advanced guys will simply carry on doing what they're doing.
Do you have any suggestions who to contact for a personal Dive Master since you live there?
DandH, can I get a copy of the shore diving itinerary? I'm headed there in July and my gf is a novice newly certified diver. I don't want to run into the same thing that you did.
Listen to DandH, and take his advice. This is my 5th year to SMB and still a beginner myself. We did the wall dive as beginners and both my hubby and I were very, very nervous. By doing the shore dives, we were able to see exactly why we were there!
Oh yes, I would like to see your shore dive itinerary also :-)
Sure thing, here it is.
We arrived Saturday. Our plan originally was to start on the south end of the west side and work north as the week progressed, but we ended up mixing it up a bit.

On Sunday, we met a guide at Don Foster's shore dive location named Richard/Richie early in the AM. He helped us with weighting and we did a dive right at their location. As I stated, that took the edge off. I had booked this trip before arriving. Pretty much every dive place offers guided shore dives. I just happened to pick DF's cause it fit our schedule.

We then went to Eden Rock and dove the Grotto and Eden Rock dive sites from the Eden Rock dive site locale. Great dive location. The ladders is a bit shaky getting in and you can't do a giant stride off the dock. There also isn't any shade. The Grotto is an extremely cool dive site.

Monday we went to Lighthouse Point run by Dive Tech and dove the northern side of Turtle Reef. That was exciting, it's a mini-wall that drops down pretty good to around 60 and isn't very far offshore. We got to see a couple of turtles and a violent Moray taking of a parrot fish. Gruesome yet exciting. Its on the northern most part of the west side of the Island. The dive site is great, plenty of shade. They have two bouys/markers prior to reaching and returning from the mini-wall. These were great and we really did some navigation drills together. One of the markers sits in exactly 15' foot of water, so it's the perfect place to do a safety stop.

Tuesday - We went to Sunset House, the southern end of the west side. Originally, we didn't think we wanted to his this spot, but the dive was very cool and there was an abundance of fish. Nice location. The tanks are 72 cu' however.

Wednesday - We were back at Turtle Reef at Lighthouse Point. We were going to go to Cracked Conch, just north of there but the current had picked up from the north and dropping into the water didn't look too comfortable. Retrospectively I wish we had given it a go. The location looks good. Anyway, the Dive Tech guy that hung out there gave us a suggestion for reaching the big wall from the mini-wall by following a little coral penisula out. I was the one who chickened out only because I sucked a bit too much air on the way out. However, we set our minds to reaching it later in the week. We did a Stingray City dive with Divetech in the afternoon. The current was extremely swift and you had to dig into the sand and hold a rock at the bottom to stay still. I was carrying about 16lbs of weight and was still getting pushed around. It was fun, but people were flopping all over the place.

Thursday - I discovered on Thursday that we should have taken a break on Wednesday. When we were heading out Thursday morning, all our gear was packed, we ate breakfast and realized we both weren't very focused. We headed back to the hotel and sat at the beach most of the day.

Friday - We tackled the big reef at Lighthouse, but honestly it was a bit past our skill sets. Our Dive Tech rep gave me a 100cu' tank for the trip out and we snorkled out past the mini-wall, over the sandy bottom and submerged right above the big wall. It was a long snorkle trip and I realized on the way out that we'd be coming back against the current. There is a line running from the mini-wall to the big wall that you can see from the surface even though it's about 60' down. I attached a picture. We dropped down at the end of the cable and dove around the edge of the wall, but not exactly too the edge. We had gotten down to about 70-75 and realized we still had a ways to go before even hitting the top of the wall. I also realized during this dive that I carry too much weight and it probably would have been better to take a guide the next time we try it. By the look of my wife, I think we both agreed to turn back towards shore so we followed the line back swimming at around 50'. By the time we hit the mini-wall and ascended up to 25-30 I was beat, too much finning and too much weight. We both agreed on the dock that it's a good dive, but a little too far from shore. I should note that to ascend directly up from the big wall puts you directly in a boat traffic lane. That's why we had to follow the line back to the mini-wall.

We followed that dive with another visit back to Eden Rock and did the Grotto side again. That was our best dive of the week, probably because we followed an uncomfortable dive with a very relaxing one. We saw a bunch of fish, rays, a huge barracuda in defensive mode (they change to gray/black in color) and went through a ton of swim-throughs.

That was it, we had a flight on Saturday so had to cut Friday off at noon. As I wrote this, I realize that perhaps it doesn't sound like much, but in fact it was a lot of diving. Both of the maps we had of Grand Cayman had clear indicators of all the dive locations around the island, easily marked and categorized.

There is other shore diving in that area. You can dive just north of Eden Rock at Diver's Down. There is a wreck called the Cali in about 20-25 foot of water and a ton of other locations. You can also rent tanks from a dive shop and do your own shore diving up and down the coast. We just preferred to stay where the masses flocked. Cobalt Coast Resort has a location for shore diving, but the conditions prohibited entry.


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