First photo with Oly 5050

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Reaction score
Salt Lake City, UT
# of dives
25 - 49
Take a look at this picture. What do you think it is? It's my first shot taken with my new 5050 and PT-015, WITHOUT Ron's awesome tray and TLC arms and 90DX flash (I can't afford those right now.) Anyway, This was taken at Bonneville SeaBase in Grantsville Utah. It is a hot spring fed water system that has marine fish stocking it. I have more shots, but this one is the most interesting. Anyone care to guess?

Nurse shark skin?

In order to imbed you photo in your post, it needs to be hosted on the web somewhere. Scuba Clicks and Photo Access are two free ones mentioned today. I use Scuba Shots for $30 a yr. and with the features it's well worth it. Just make sure that which ever one you use, give you the ability to post individual photos. I know for sure Scuba Clicks and Scuba Shots do.

If you don't have one, you can email it to me and I'll put it in my album until you do.
Yup. It is. There are 4 six foot plus nurse sharks at SeaBase. One is really skittish and disappears as soon as people get in the water. This morning I was the first diver in and #4 was still hanging out with the rest of them. While I was hovering over them to get a shot of all 4 heads, she took off. The others just sat there while I got up close and personal with their hides. You can't beat that for a diving experience.

I love the macro capability of the 5050.

The visibility was over 5 feet which is good for seabase, until a group of PADI AOW and Nitrox student arrived. I went back in and couldn't see my hand. They forgot to practice buoyancy control. :)

Dee, thanks also for the explanation about getting pictures on my posts. I will check into the websites you suggested.

Dee once bubbled...
Nurse shark skin?

In order to imbed you photo in your post, it needs to be hosted on the web somewhere. Scuba Clicks and Photo Access are two free ones mentioned today. I use Scuba Shots for $30 a yr. and with the features it's well worth it. Just make sure that which ever one you use, give you the ability to post individual photos. I know for sure Scuba Clicks and Scuba Shots do.

If you don't have one, you can email it to me and I'll put it in my album until you do.
TedJ once bubbled...

I checked out the two sites that you linked, but I can't find Scuba Shots. Do you have a link? thanks

Ted....Here ya go Scuba Shots. I don't know if you've seen my albums but be sure too look at the link to the Gallery. You'll see the same basic layout but also the many different ways people have set them up. One of the things I really like is a feature called Remote Gallery.

Another thing I like is the guy who owns the hosting site, is a fellow diver and photographer. Like us, he got tired of hosting sites that closed unannounced, limited access, no posting of single photos and were just plain hard to use. So he started one exactly like we all wanted.

Larry will be glad to answe any questions you might have.
It could be a close up of the sequins on a belly dancers costume! :eek:

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