First Open Water dive went awesome!!

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S. Florida
Not really, in fact I didnt even get to dive. I woke up at 530 in the morning to drive an hour to the Marina, upon getting there earlier than I thought, I waited around for about an hour before my instructor showed up along with a few other students..

He hands me my tanks and tells me to check the pressure on both before we go out. I walk em' over to my car, pop the trunk and hook up my regs, turn em' on and everything's OK!, so i pull the tank down and my trunk auto shuts. It just so happens my keys are just out of reach and BAM, locked out of my car with all my gear inside!:shocked2:

The boat was running and ready to roll out at 8 sharp, due to another class scheduled later, they had to leave. So now I'm sitting on the pier in the 90 degree heat baking to death waiting for Cadillac to come open my doors. The tech said 25-30 min, no biggie... 2 1/2 hours later he shows up and said he went to 10 diff marinas and got lost. So now I'm soaking wet, dying of heat, and driving another hour home stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. 2 hours later, I arrive home and order food, the food shows up and the order is completely wrong.

At least I drank 5 crucial warm gatorades as I sat next to a thorn bush for some shade while these giant black buzzards walked around me all while this random rooster under a trailer cock-a-doodle-dooed NONSTOP.:idk:

On a brighter note, my wetsuit came in today. Thought I'd share my first OW dive and vent.
Ha! Sounds like the delay was fate! Now your first dive will be in all your own equipment!!!

Have Fun!!!
That really sucks! I have locked my keys in my vehicles so many times it isn't funny. After about the 4th time, I quit locking it all together. Now the only time i really lock it, is with the remote(since i put remote locks and start on my truck). luckily the BMW doesn't lock with the keys in the ignition or it would have happened with it too.. :D
Hopefully your next trip out will go without a hitch. Congrats on your wet-suit coming in though...that sure makes it brighter when Christmas come early. I love coming home to packages waiting on me.
Haha, that sucks bro. Question, though, doesn't your Caddi have Onstar? I thought they could pop your vehicle remotely?

Maybe you should have gone with your buddies on that trust me dive a couple weeks ago after all! :rofl3:

P.S. Go Cowboys. :D
Well, look at it this way . . . the only way from here is up!

The last time I locked my keys in my car, it was a rental car an hour and a half from the rental office, up a dirt road in Mexico, and blocking everybody's access to the fill station. On a Sunday. If it hadn't been for the rental agent I get my condos through, I'd STILL be sitting there!
I once got tapped from behind while stopped on the 34th street off-ramp of the FDR Drive. Being a native New Yorker, I was obligated to jump out of my car in anger to check for damage and berate the driver of the car that hit me. I slammed the door to get the full effect. You know where I'm going with this. There was, of course, no damage to the piece-of-sh*t beater that I drove to work back then, the woman who tapped me was as sweet and apologetic as could be, and I was now locked outside my idling car and late for work. For the next hour or so the morning traffic flowed slowly around it, while I stood by, looking like the biggest idiot in NY. I finally borrowed a coat hanger from the doorman at a nearby building, broke into the car (you could do this back in ~1983), and ended the indignity.
Ugh. Next diving day will be better.
Stuff happens, last boat dives I forgot my wetsuit and we were diving at NIGHT!! Then my compass broke when my rig fell onto it, and I bent my harness buckle because I had rigged it wrong in a hurry and was ten minutes late to a 20 minute dive. I just consider myself lucky that we didn't get struck by lightning, that was apparently not my night to go diving :(.

Did that once,but i wasn't waiting for a tow truck,so i went to the side of the road picked up half of a brick stood back 4 feet or so threw it at the glass.It bounced off without breaking and hit me right in the forehead,now i was locked out and bleeding:rofl3:.
After having done that a time or two I got smart and now every car I get I go to the locksmith's and have key made. Will not start the car because it does not have the chip in it but IT WILL open the locks. I keep it in my wallet. Now if I lock the wallet in there as well I'm screwed but if that's the case I deserve it.

And I'm sorry but Tetra730 is there anyway to get a video of that? Cause I don't care who ya are that's funny!

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