First jellyfish encounter: skins essential from now on

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Beachfront - Lauderdale on Hibiscus.
Oh what fun! About 9pm or so Marc & Marvel were heading out to the reef and I decided to free dive. All was well (I love snorkeling out there alone at night) until my neck and shoulders suddenly cramped up... next moment the sun seemed to rise on me and gave an instant sunburn.

No, it wasn't Marc's new dive light... it was a jellyfish. My first encounter ever. Wondering how I'd react to such a huge sting I headed in immediately and Greg gave me some spray and a benedril (sp?).

It actually hurt so much I couldn't feel it at times! The welts went down after about an hour, lots of spray and a shower.

So THATS what skins are for...
When we were in Florida, I saw this stuff at the store called "Jellyfish Lotion."
I was wondering how you get them to hold still so you can rub it on them?
Jellyfish are indeed no fun and I'm glad you're OK, Mike... When I was in Australia, I noticed the folks there wear stinger suits sometimes and carry a bottle of vinegar. When I was there, a fellow died from an episode with a stinger. He had swam into a school of jelly fish.

I'm glad you're ok ...
Sounds like you ran into the jellyfish itself... ouch! Did you get the see it?

That's one reason why I always wear my 1mm to dive with. I've been stung too many times because students kick the tenacles off jelly fish, and I'm usually down stream.

The jellies were out in numbers today. Some over 12" in diameter. There were cool little fish swimming inside. I am not small enough, and I am scared of their sting. I always wear a 3mm (in case 1 is not enough)! LOL!
Ditto, if you can't P on it.

Hey - we all offered, but for some reason he declined. :D

Urine, while sterile, really isn't the best solution. Meat tenderizer is an enzyme which breaks down proteins. Jellyfish venom is made of protein and is consequently destroyed by the meat tenderizer. Urine also doesn't work on some jellies :D

Absoultely correct! :wink: You also cant go wrong with old fashion ammonia. I keep a bottle in the bag. I also always cover.

Glad you were ok. Thanks again for the hospitality.

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