Peliliu was the site of my only truly scary dive experience (and it wasn't anything like this video and other descriptions I've been reading) I should note that I was so nervous about running into the wall or over the wall because of the ripping current, that I swam out...too much. That was when I got taken down and out--I'm a pretty strong swimmer (for my age) so I did manage to fin up and back to the group. If I hadn't, I don't see how the DM could have saved me; it only lasted a few seconds--I guess?--and yet I was so far away, so quickly.
Previously, on a particularly (I think) rough day at Blue Corner, I had overshot and went over the wall, passing the DM. I literally had to claw my way back to get with the group. Though thinking about it now, the DM did not seem that perturbed about it, so maybe that wasn't such a big deal.
I know I'm a big wussy, but although I'd go back to Palau in a heartbeat, no way would I ever try Pelileu again. (Except to visit the battlefield, which is magnificent.)
But I digress. I really wish you guys would decide--once and for all--WHICH is the proper course of action for such terrible and sudden dive conditions! Have we even decided WHAT said conditions were? Whirlpool? Downcurrent?