We are staying at suites Bahia and taxi and walking is probably the mode of transportation
Taxis are generally easy to find when you need to go further than you want to walk.
Always agree on the price before you get in. Many drivers will charge more than their rate card says, some much more, but I can't read Spanish so having photos of the card doesn't help me. Ask the hotel clerk what the fare should be. S/he might know.
Pay everything in Pesos for the best prices. Get those with your debit card from a
bank ATM only, not a free standing machine as those are dangerous.
Suites Bahia is right on front street (Melgar) at the intersection of Calle 3 (3rd street). Los Otates (they are going thru a forced name change so the sign may have a letter blacked out for now) is one of my favorites for good, cheap food. It's 3 blocks SE along Calle 3, then turn left and go ¼ block NE on 15th Ave. Google maps says a 400 meter hike, and the locations look right on their map - but you have to watch those. Google map locations are controlled by user input, and amateurs keep moving places to wrong location. Facebook pages usually have the correction location.
Wet Wendy's right in front of your hotel
Melgar and the channel are in front of his hotel. I don't know what you're thinking about? Wet Wendy's is on 5th Ave near Calle 2 about 550 meters away.
Odd numbered streets are south of the central plaza, even numbers are north, and there is a significant gap between 1 and 2.
Some like Lobster Shack and that’s close
It's on Calle 3 near his hotel. On my last trip, I was thinking it was on 5th ave, went to the wrong place, ordered a lobster burrito, and it was pathetic. Next time I'll check FB!