Finding an instructor diving Bonaire, referral SSI

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So I contacted a number of Divngs on Bonaire and informed about the possibility to do the final course dives with them and I got various responses, so I talked it over with my faithful dive Instructor over at our school and he said that after having chosen the diving he will contact the SSI Office on Bonaire so that they can relay our request to the diving in question.

My problems in choosing which diving to take lie in the not knowing the seriousness of the instructor there... A dive school is a diveschool and a diving....well isn't, what I guess I'm trying to say is that we don't want to be simply 'given' the AOW so the diving can add another tick to the 'instructed' list but actually all they do is send a DM with us on a regular group dive and afterwards just chat about how it went...I dunno if I explain myself well enough... sry I'm not a native speaker...

I wil try and give them a call in order to talk to them and hopefully get a better idea of how each diving handles AOW instructing.

Also, I think it's only fair we'd have to pay a bit extra for the Instructor and stuff but I'm not going to spend another +400$ to do 6 dives with a bit of extra attention, when it was allready paid by us here in Italy to our School...

What would be the normal going rates, anyone know?

I'm doubting between Black Durgeon and Wannadive...
Pesce Leone,
The Black Durgon Inn and Al are a small operation. I'd try email first and see if through that you can set up a call. Al is not always waiting around for phone calls :-)
Waanadive I am sure is a good choice too, its a much larger operation.
Al is a no nonsense kind of guy who I would think will give you a great training.
good luck.

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