Originally posted by SpyderTek
Ok...Well, I suspect I am labeling myself as one by asking if I am guessing corectly....but what is "a Stroke"? and"Stroke Diving?"
well basically you have had the explanation from others at the board, what I would like to point out is that what I know of pug is that he is a proud DIR diver, and also can take a joke
the DIR concept is very good both the mental part and the configuration part.
I however am a recreational diver and I dont dive the DIR rig/way
and I think that its ok to not dive DIR in non overhead (logic aswell as physical) / lowrisk diving.
Since Pug is a preacher for DIR I cant helpit but everytime I can, I take a stick and poke at him a bit
just for the sake of it.
and honestly I think he likes it abit too
by the way DIR stands for Doing It Right
and stroke comes from the medical word stroke.
what the real origin for this to be called stroke maybe PUG can tell us, I have heard it but I just cant remember it now.
I think it was something about to dive with that jada jada you must have a stroke first.
However the word started to be used for everything that was supposedly dangerous and unsafe such as gear and diving style or how the diver thought and basically just everything that wasnt DIR was stroke.
and the problem is now that beeing DIR is a fashion statement also not just a filosofy anymore, wich means that if someone claims that he is diving DIR then i realy have second thoughts about diving with that person, since the requirement for diving DIR is very very high, both mentally and gearwise, and most ppl who are "diving DIR" just isnt diving DIR, they are tech wannabe and nothing is more dangerous than a person who thinks that he is so much better than he/she realy is. THAT is unsafe. they might have the gear but normally not the thought, you can spot them miles away by listening to howmanytimes they use the word stroke ! if everything is stroke and he tells it to the ppl around him wheather they have asked for his opinion or not, then there is a high risk of a tech wannabe.
so now I have a tech wannabe warning question for everyone,
WHY use a longhose on a sportdiver gear for openwater dives ?
WHAT is the purpose of the longhose in a openwater environment ? I just dont get it. but I do however see tech wannabes go and get their G/F a longhose for their standard openwater sportdiver jacket with one bottle.
please tell me what the advantage is with that. couse I can only see disadvantages with it. can anyone help me understand this.