Originally posted by Uncle Pug
What are some of the ways you have found dive buddies???
Have you had difficulty finding dive buddies???
What difficulties have you encountered with new dive buddies???
Have you been able to establish a relationship with a main dive buddy???
What do you consider the most difficult aspect of keeping a dive buddy???
What do you consider the most difficult aspect of diving with a buddy???
1 yes and no, since I bought my own gear and started coming along with trips I would say no i have had no problems with that. before i did this i had some trouble finding buddies, since i wasnt looking for them, when i took my OW cert after some years of solodiving i had major problems with having a buddy to take care of, a chicken mother thats what i was, wich meant it spoiled my own diving only keeping track of my partner and thus basically telling them they are idiots and i dont trust them.
2 lack of/problem with comunication
3 yes with a group of main buddys who all love and care for eachother deeply.
4 I want to go diving right now, why dont anyone else ?;-0
5 to let go of them ! let them dive the way they want to dive, not the way I want them to dive.
Fx I have one buddy who wants to be less then armslength away from me,
another who wants to wear a buddyline but have no idea what i am doing or where aslong as the buddyline exists.
another who always swims very fast and uses up all air quikly
another who uses his air as if it was free
so when he is down to 50 bar i still have 160-180 bar left just not enough to go two dives with him and still have the 50 bar security feature and it feels stupid to refill a tank for 120 bar.
another who wants me to lead all thetime wich i truly hate since its hard to have the buddy under 100% control when leading the dive
another who always makes something break or looses something during the dive,
one who refuses to wear a knife, since we are not going to go anywhere dangerous togeather anyhow !!! so there is no need!
The hard part is to accept them for who they are and to accept their ways of diving, we are not all made in the same mold.
and to this I have to add something wich I think Pug will like
Dive with a stroke and you are a stroke,
most of my buddys are stroke, I care for them and love them all and dive with them so then I must be a stroke too.
since I am a stroke and most of my buddys dive with me they to must be stroke´s.
we scuba dive, we do stupid things, pull idiot stunts but we also have a gret deal of fun together. wich we believe is the main part of scuba diving.
Dive safe and have fun