Finders Keepers

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ScottyK once bubbled...
About three weeks ago Jen and I were doing a shore dive, and came across a tangle of fishing line. We always cut loose any line or other plastics we find, and bring them back with us. I started pulling the line in and rolling it up. I assumed I was pulling in the hook end with a heavy clump of something attached to it. All of the sudden, a really expensive rod and reel came bouncing into view along the bottom :D

It was a pain to drag around for the rest of the dive, but it cleaned up nice.Scott

When you surfaced was there an angry man in fishing clothes floundering around
No angry fisherman that time :wink:

I did have one hell of a run in with a fisherman once. We saw a guy fishing right where we usually wade in, so to be polite, we walked about 50ft down the beach to give him some room. We also grabbed our dive flag so he'd be aware of our position.

We did our dive and were heading back. I was careful to come back to the same entry point down the beach. Just then, Jen got violently yanked. The idiot had walked down the beach to our entry area, cast his line near our flag, and hooked her. Thankfully it was through the fin strap and not her skin.

I got a couple of wraps of his line around my hand, cut Jen loose, and shot up like a rocket (I was only about 8ft down at this point).
I waded into chest deep water and started taking my gear off with the intent of shoving the pole up his arse. I was yelling at him pretty good at this point.

The guy dropped all his stuff, ran up the stairs to his car, and took off before I could get to him :upset:

I am very doubtful we will ever hear from USMC diver unless it is under a different screen name.

It is sad when someone is so desperate for acceptance they will try to gain it on the backs of the folks that really earned it...

I took the liberty of contacting a friend of mine who happens to really be a USMC Diver because your statements did not ring true...

On another subject:

Do you know of any unit like this? Smells like smoke to me, the individual is referring to himself as USMC Diver.

Thanks again,


Post #1:
I am a regional trainer for Forward Observation/Insurgancy Operations for Inspector and Instructor (I&I staff) for verious Reserve stations in the 4th Mar Div. I am active duty, working with the active duty counterparts, whom work with the reservist. I work from Wyoming to Texas, Arizona to Luisiana. I travel a lot. Our Battalion HQ is in Houston with 1st BN 23rd Mar. Hope that helps. I am officially attached to 4th Mardiv (MEB), Operations. I do a lot of SOC certification (Special Operations Capable).

Post #2:
Most military dive training takes place in Coronado, CA these days. Especially for SpecOps, or as you put it SOF. Coronado has recently become the JTFUTC (Joint Task Force Underwater Training Center). It is awesome. They even do civilian crossover tec training. I love working there and am anxious to get back.

Post #3:
During a Deep Assault Training Course (Sort of like an AOW/Deep speciality/Multi gas/multi level dive) my student was trailing behind me. We were doing a sloping beach ascent at about 20fsw after having been at max bottom depth of 180fsw, anyway, we had completed all our deco obligation and were preparing for the final beach assault when I get the tugging on my fin. Have you ever seen a Marine OOG but trying to act in-control and macho? It is pretty funny the colors he was turning. He gave the sign for OOG and proceeded to stare at me in the most "I am going to die way". So I gave him the Octo and he took my octo (regular rec setup) and we proceeded to storm the beach (in training).

It was pretty funny though when his head looked like it was going to explode. Well, it probably wasn't so funny to him...but...needless to say, he fail the course and had to repeat it and he bought the beers. Too funny.

Post #4:
I jump out of helo's and planes with parachute and either scuba or rebreather for a living in the Marine Corps but I had never heard of getting wet then hitching a ride on a helo bucket then sky-diving out and into a forest fire. Kind of a stupid sport if you ask me. I am Glad it is a hoax. Might buy one of those T-Shirts though.

Sounds like a big bowl of crap to me. First off Marines do not do and I say again Marines do not do Mixed gas multi level diving. We used either SCUBA, the UBA or the viper, both the UBA and viper are shallow water diving units. No Marines are attached to the SEALs who are probably the only ones other then Navy EOD who would do that type of profile. Not sure of the name of the school other then BUDs and they have started a SEAL advance diving course, again I don't know the name of the course. On another note no Reserve Marine has the expertise in this type of diving as it pertains to military diving. He knows the lingo and is probably a civilian diver who maybe in the Marine Corps Reserve. He is not a Recon Marine since he never mentions a recon unit or their location. Again he probably is just a civilian diver who is in the Marine Corps Reserve and knows diving lingo and has read or heard of the SOF does. If he is a Marine Combatant Diver he would have stated that we have our own school house. HE IS A FAKE.

SNCOIC, Marine Corps Combatant Diver Course
Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center
Panama City, FL 32407-7016
JHAM once bubbled...
I once found a weight belt on a wreck over 100 ft deep. It had 34 lbs of weight on it. As I do not carry a lift bag I decided to let the next lucky sole have it and left it lying right where I found it.

I found a 30lb weight belt in twenty feet of water, and used the excess lift capacity of my B/C (rec wing on a Dive Rite transpac) to help me lift it....My arms were surely tired after bringing the thing on shore, but it was fun!

Tried to find the owner, but no dice...
hey Jambi, were those oakleys yellow by any chance? I just lost mine a few weeks ago out at one of our local so cali lakes...maybe your the lucky guy to find my 200.00 glasses :) Its times like that I wish i had a scuba set up mounted on my sea doo incase **** happens ya know :) Anyway if your interested on diving for some goodies be sure to let me know so I can join in with you.

We've found some neat things at Lauderdale-by-the-Sea

-- We've found a lobster snare in perfect condition
-- A sterling silver diver charm.
-- Lots of dive weights.
--A single fin (kept it just in case)
-- a couple dive flags

That doesn't include the beer cans or other garbage people throw in the ocean.
I have found a fishing rod and reel (but the rod broke later), sun glasses, multiple anchors including a Danforth 35 pound with an eight foot section of coated chain still attached, close to 100 dollars in cash (still usable after drying them off), rings, a scuba tank and my best find was a pair of very expensive tri-focals that a man had lost off of his dock that had been in the river for six weeks. I have also found some interesting fossils and some very old bottles. Otherwise, lots of trash (we do the Lake Travis and Comal River cleanups each year) beer bottles, cans and the like. I try and stay away from big marinas as there is just too much boat traffic and nasties in the water to make it worthwhile to me.

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