Finally my DUI is ready

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Orange County California
Well after 2 months of waiting i got the call my DUI CLx450 SS is at the shop ready to be picked up.

The wait was a little long, but i'd guess the holidays slowed things down. I will pick it up Saturday YIPPY!!

I am sure you will enjoy it.


I just did the size up for my first dry suit. Good luck with yours and many many dry dives. I hope we both love them.:D
I'm excited it finally came on. We spoke a lot in the beginning, as we ordered pretty close to the same time.

You're gonna LOVE it! Be sure to come back with some details - I know you(like me) sort of anguished (as well as really enjoyed) all the research, the decisions and the waiting....

very happy for ya.

Picked it up at 11am this morning, all looks great. Its a nice loooking suit!

it has the EE P valve installed. The first pvalve i got years ago for my Viking was $30 unbalanced but worked fine. The EE P valve i had them install isnt a OMS shiny Alum one, but its well built and i have no worries about it. I like how DUI did the installation of it, its very well done ( better than i could have done at home ).

I did get the forearm dump, i will post about it after my dive. I havent dove a forearm dump before, just the shoulder dumps so im not sure what to expect.

Super nice job by DUI on the bellows pockets too, im impressed.

Zip or Velcro?

I had them install the big zip pockets - My legs are so short they butt against the knee pads (!) but they are perfectly installed and I love them - the stiffeners make it easy to get in and out of.

I'm excited. UP is a proponent of the forearm dump. After my last dive, I can totally relate. We did some deeper dives than we usually do (110 - 120) and the gas expands so much more coming up from those depths... it was a real pain to be cruising up the rocks, then have to get vertical to dump...then cruise a bit more, then get vertical to dump.

If I did more 100+ deep stuff, I would definately get the forearm / wrist dump.


Where can I get a DUI in Ontario (that's Ontario, Canada not California)?
Why did you guys choose DUI? Is it worth the extra cost?
here's my DUI story:

Made the decision to go dry after a 3 day trip - being wet for 3 days as not fun. Night diving was very hard to get motivated for, shivering between dives, etc. Sucked - wanna go dry.

DUI had a Demo Days in So Cal 2 weeks after I get back from that trip. I hit all the local "dealers" in my area - nobody has a clue about the event. I call DUI, pitch a fit, they comp me tickets and treat me like a king.

I drive down to San Diego and meet the nicest group of people ever. Wifie and I get fitted and we're ready to make a dive. Dick Long (THE man) grab's my wife's stuff and personally hauls it the considerable distance over the sand to the entry point.

We make our first dive in a dry suit and WOW.

We emerge, and proceed to make two more dives in different sizes, diferent undies, differnt models, etc. We eat a BBQ cooked by the folks at DUI and generally have a great experience.

On the drive home, I stop by my LDS to try on an Andys. Granted, I just came off the ultimate test drive experience with DUI - but I can ojectively say it's just not the same. A nice suit, but not nearly the quality of construction of the DUI stuff (exposed wrist seals, tougher to get into, expensive, built in boots really just rain boots that really don't fit well, it was a big bag on all sizes)

What pushed me over the edge was construction, options (350 for wifie, 50/50 for me) and location. Bare - Canada. Andy's - East Coast. DUI - a few hours down the road.

Sure, they're more expensive than some. But after meeting with the customer service, the president, the Operations people, etc. I was very impressed with the team.

When I ordered my suit, I had to wait for it to be built - so I called DUI and had them ship out the hose, the hood, the undies and the rock boots - so I could rent while I waited. They shipped them to me next day, no charge. When my suit was completed (on the day they quoted to me many weeks before), they shipped it overnight as well.

You won't go wrong with a DUI. You won't regret buying it.

PS: You may want to consider an eBay option, too. Lots of DUI treasures show up there. If you can fit off the rack, that's a great way to go.


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